Author Topic: 10 months night wakings  (Read 1587 times)

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Offline cisca

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10 months night wakings
« on: July 23, 2005, 13:42:36 pm »
I have a 10 month old baby girl. She take good naps during the day and goes easy to bed at night 19h00.

She then sleeps till 22h30 and wakes for her dream feed. ( I am breastfeeding and found it difficult skipping the dream feed) Then the trouble begin. She wakes 1h30, 3h30 and 5h30 and then wakes exactly 7h00 for the day.

 I am so tired and don't know what to do. I have taken away her pacifier because it was becoming a problem, but it makes no difference in her night waking schedule. The pick up put down method is not working. she just cries for hours.

 She has never really slept through the night. She use to wake up 22h30 and 5h00 but that I could handle.

She has no teeth yet, but I don't think the waking up is because of teeth because it has been happening for a month now.

What can I do?? Please help me

Offline benners0827

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« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2005, 16:56:59 pm »
I can sympathize with you.  My 11 month old has not slept through the night yet.  He used to sleep well where he would maybe get up once or twice, but now it's been almost 3 times a night - and that's too much and it's really wearing me down.  He always seem to get up around the same timeframe.  I've been reading Tracy's book and have recently read about wake to sleep and dream feeding.  I tried the wake to sleep two nights (it says you should do it three nights for sure), and it has extended the time that he sleeps before he wakes by an hour or so.  But he's still waking up.  Last night I tried a dream feed and that seemed to work well for him because he slept longer even though he still woke up.  I think I may try this for a while before I go back to the wake to sleep method.

Did you see the forum called "wake to sleep"?  Maybe you could benefit from trying that especially seeing that your baby is getting up at the same time every night.


Offline olleezmom

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Re: 10 months night wakings
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2006, 01:02:13 am »
Sorry to hear about your night waking problems...we are trying to resolve some of our own.  First, why do you find it difficukt to drop the DF?  Is it because you feel too full?  Your body will adjust over just have to suffer through a few wet t-shirts at night! Your LO should be able to make it well through the night by now.
As for the day time say your LO is a good daytime sleeper.  What do her naps look like?  I found out that my DS was sleeping too much during the day, and I actually have to limit his daytime sleep :P
Post your routine, maybe someone can help.
Hang in there!

Offline teezee

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Re: 10 months night wakings
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2006, 03:25:35 am »
ok well i have to say that tracy suggests (and with good reason..) to drop the df at about 7 months as at that point lo's are getting enough daytime calories and their bellies are big enough to sustain them throughout the night (well most of it  ::) ) at this point the df is more disruptive to their sleep rather than being helpful.  i waited until 8 months to drop it as i didn't even think it would be a contributing factor in my lo's wakings - but almost immediately i saw a vast improvement - like honestly - that night she slept through! i too bf and it left me a little full and sometimes a little uncomfortable so i would pump a little before bed just to relieve it a little and eventually my supply dropped on its own.

Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005