Hi There
I seem to have a skight problem with the DF. I have always done it for our lo since she was born (now 6 months) however she is on 5 (180 - 200ml bottles) and 3 solid feeds a day. I was planning on dropping the DF as she was only taking 100mls or so. However in the last week she has been draining a 200 ml bottle at 10pm (after having solids at 5pm, 200mls at 7pm) and then waking at 2am (exactly 4 hours since the DF) but not wanting food just a cuddle. Now the DF appears to be reducing the amount of milk taken at 7 am. Today she took 90 mls and a small serving of fruit.
Any suggestions on how to adjust her feeding so that she is taking more during 7am and 7 pm? I was thinking since she is not a huge milk lover that a snack may do it but what to give and when???
This is her feeding routine
7am bottle (5/6ozs)
8.30 brekkie
11 bottle (5/6ozs)
12.30 lunch
3 bottle (5/6ozs)
5.30 dinner
6.45 bottle (5/6ozs)
10.30 DF (anywhere between 3ozs and 6 ozs)
any ideas would be great.