i don't know how much formula he is taking. id say.....yes 14-16oz. possibly up to 20. but we also feed him babyfood. on average 1-2 oz of it at a time. and then finish him off on the bottle. (another 1-3 oz)
he has always been small. ii am not that worried, but when i look at pics of him since he was born, he looks almost exactly the same from 2moths old as he does now. look at his body fat. it hasnt changed at all. all thats changed is the height.
I always track Calums formula intake, when I first started him on solids his milk intake dropped dramatically because (I think) he preferred the change. 20lb is the recommendation (in the UK) for milk intake IF your LO is firmly established on 3 meals a day. Do you think it would also be work tracking his milk intake as well? 1 to 2oz may be too much for his little tum and he isn't then leaving enough room for milk.

Also, you touched on him not eating much if he hasn't eaten every 3hours - you may also find he is not at his hungriest every 3hours and thats why he wants fed sooner. If you leave it 3.5hrs he may be hungrier for his milk and you may see his intake increasing.
I recently dropped to 3 bottles a day because Calum was fiddling with his 2nd bottle, by dropping one I am ensuring he is hungry for his milk at the times he is due to get it. I'm not saying drop a bottle, your LO isn't old enough yet, but it was an example of how if your LO is not hungry at the 3hr mark he may be disinterested and only take minimum.
Skibbit, I know what you mean about LO looking the same since a few months

so does Calum, I swear any weight he puts on it in his height not width. I am struggling to get size 3-6 month shorts to fit him around the waist because he is so tall and narrow.

I had to return all the 6-9 & 9-12 summer shorts I bought him

Calum has also dropped a weight percentile recently, due to being ill.
I love the pics you posted!