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Offline jayne

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Re: Overtired
« Reply #30 on: June 02, 2006, 17:54:36 pm »
is he breastfed or bottle fed? if he has reflux and is breastfed could you have eaten something today that has caused him some discomfort?(i didnt breastfeed so i am just thinking of anything)--if he is bottle fed then maybe try switching formulas

have you talked with your dr about reflux? maybe he would do well on some medication for it-- also check out the reflux board --lots and lots of good info on there

if i could have you post your schedule maybe i can see something to help you--

hang in there you will figure this out -- i promise you!!!

dd#1  05-14-2001
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Offline Jenny_Jen

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Re: Overtired
« Reply #31 on: June 02, 2006, 21:27:27 pm »
There is no routine but I try to stay with the 3 hour easy, I basically try to feed him every 3 hours from the time we wake up at 8 am & try to get naps & Activity time in there too.

I did manage to get him to go down at 12:30 & he slept for 3 hours & I had to go in and wake him! He was up for 45 mins-1 hour & is now sleeping again.  He's so eratic that it's hard.

He's always been bottlefed & I tried changing his formula to soy as per the Dr but it didn't make a difference so I put him back on the Nestle Goodstart, his bowels move fine, just sometimes the bugger doesn't want to sleep for me.  Today is better than a lot of other days so I won't complain, I'm just happy he slept finally.

He goes to the Dr on Thursday for his first set of shots so I'm gonna talk to her then.

Offline carolinem

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Re: Overtired
« Reply #32 on: June 02, 2006, 22:36:19 pm »
First of all, let me applaud you for your committment and patience! When you are feeling frustrated just remember your strengths as a mother and how your love and dedication will pay off in the long run!!!!!!

How is overstimulation? We stopped putting our 2 month old in her calming vibrations chair that has 3 little bright colored animals hanging over her head to look at and she has been sleeping so much better. I leave the TV off or on mute. I decided not to take her on errands, and have limited our daily outings. I ask visitors to come over at a certain time and let them know when her bed time is so they have to leave. I know that sounds sort of rudely put but Ive learned its so important to set boundaries when you have kids especially little ones that need rest!

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Re: Overtired
« Reply #33 on: June 02, 2006, 22:49:37 pm »
Hi I'm just going to butt in here...a few things you might consider Jenny_Jen...getting an Amby so that you can adjust the angle of his head and his body for the reflux issue.  And my LO is also unlike all other babies, won't sleep in the car, in her stroller, in a swing, etc.  She sleeps 2 ways if she's overtired.  By being rocked or by going for a walk in a carrier.  She hated the sling, she liked the Bjorn (I don't though, it hurts my shouders now, she's too heavy)  So I recently got a mei tai carrier it's a lot like a ergo pack, just some thoughts.  Good luck.  Also realize that the 8 week mark you are over the hump on the evening fussies.  It's typical that babies are their most irritable from 5-8 weeks in the evening, then they sette more  and more from there.   Just get your MP3 player out and rock your babe while he cries if you need to.  It will pass.

Good luck.


Offline Jenny_Jen

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Re: Overtired
« Reply #34 on: June 03, 2006, 13:46:26 pm »
I can't wait til I hit the 3 month mark, I know it's coming.  I feel like I don't have a normal life.  My cousin & best friend have angel babies & go everywhere with them, with Hayden I dread people wanting to come over & feel like I can't leave the house.  I took him to Costco last week because we had no power for 2 days & I had to get out & he cried almost the entire time in Costco, I had to pick him up and carry him there.

I don't even use the bouncy chair with him unless he's awake & I need a shower.  I don't turn it on & the toys are removed.

Last night was a bad night.  I did the DF with him at 10:30 like normal (he had been up all evening though & was overtired since he wouldn't go to bed for me) & went to bed, at 1:30 am he woke up!  DH got up, fed him & then he had a meltdown (I am guessing it's because DH got up with him which he hasn't done in a few weeks because of work & Hayden realized it wasn't mommy & freaked).  Took me an hour to get him back to sleep, then he was up at 4:30 (I fell asleep in the chair while feeding him) & then again this morning at 7:30.

My MIL is having a shower for him in 3 weeks & I'm dreading that day.  She lives an hour away so it's not like I can just leave easily & go home.  I told DH if he starts to have a meltdown there we are leaving because I'm not letting him go haywire - too bad MIL doesn't get it.  Both her kids were angel babies from the way she talks & she doesn't understand how touchy Hayden is.

I have his mattress raised & for 1 day it worked great, then yesterday he didn't want to sleep with his head raised.  When I went in & woke him after his 3 hour nap he had scooted himself to the bottom of the bed where it was flat.  I guess that's why it's so frustrating, one day one thing works, but the next day it doesn't.  I never know the best way to take the approach & if it's the wrong approach it can set my whole day off.

I don't want to wish his life away but some days I just wish he was older.

I have an infantino carrier which he likes, but he won't sleep in it, he just stays awake looking around at everything so he gets overtired in it.  I use it for short periods though when I need to get things done.

Offline RDelaney

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Re: Overtired
« Reply #35 on: June 03, 2006, 17:59:10 pm »
My Alex is just a little older than your Hayden but is EXACTLY the same. 12 hours straight awake is not unusual for my touchy baby. The only thing that works for him is for me to sit with him in his nursery with it as dark as possible. He finds shush-pat too stimulating so I give him a dummy to suck (he has reflux so this helps him) and I just do the shush with him in my arms until he's calm. Sometimes it can take an hour and a half but it's worth it for the sleep!
Ruth & Alexander xx

Offline jayne

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Re: Overtired
« Reply #36 on: June 03, 2006, 21:26:52 pm »
my gina was also touchy and we didnt do pat shush with her i would lay her on her side and just place my hand firmly on her--but i agree no lights,no noise,i would swaddle her tight--but i did have her arms out--

one other thing that worked was to have her body tight to mine but not her head and i would rock her side to side --very smooth motion --if i am not explaining this right i will try again-- and that seemed to work sometimes--

one thing that was a constant with gina is what worked one day never worked the other day--but eventually it just clicked--

a book that was recommended to me was "the happiest baby on the block" some good techniques in that one..

i also wanted to touch on the fact that your baby is touchy and your friends have angel babies--please dont compare even for one second--your baby is very special and i can say that i have an incredible bond with my youngest because she was a touchy baby--i had to read her slightest cues so that i know what she wants sometimes i think even before she does..

{{{hugs}}} you will get thru this

dd#1  05-14-2001
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Offline jules_is_cute

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Re: Overtired
« Reply #37 on: June 03, 2006, 23:40:08 pm »
i also wanted to touch on the fact that your baby is touchy and your friends have angel babies--please don't compare even for one second--your baby is very special and i can say that i have an incredible bond with my youngest because she was a touchy baby--i had to read her slightest cues so that i know what she wants sometimes i think even before she does..

I agree totally and feel the same way, I can read Jules so well now.  I don't know if it's because she is touchy, but I know I am much more motivated to predict what she will need as a result of her touchiness.
Also, my family-in-law didn't understand about why I was so driven to stay near home, and to protect her sleep schedule...until we went to Sacramento for Easter Sunday, Jules was only about 10-11 weeks old.  It was about a 3 hour drive, we arrived at 3:30 pm (Jules goes to bed at 6 - 6:30 pm)  By 5 pm I was confined to an aunts darkened bedroom, where I stayed for the remaining 3.5 hours of our visit, and we still had to drive home.
Then I went to my SIL house and we went for a walk in the afternoon.  Jules napped in the Bjorn, by 4:45 pm, she was in total meltdown mode, again I was confined to My SIL darkened bedroom for 45 minutes, I finally got her calm enough to put her in her carseat and I hightailed it home.

After witnessing those two episodes that was all it took, they get it now.  So while this shower won't be fun for you or your lo, take comfort in the fact that it may earn you some much needed sympathy (and as a result, a break for a few hours) and some understanding, so that next time, things can be done on you turf, whenever possible, so that your LO has all the comforts of home, even if it is crowded with lots of people, it's better than strange place, and lots of people.  That way when you need to make your escape, you're not borrowing a bedroom for 1-4 hours.

Also, just take it easy, and realize that this will pass, your LO will need less sleep, and also his brain hasn't fully matured for napping, this doesn't happen until about 4 months...then all of a sudden he will get better and better at taking naps, just keep putting him down for them when he seems tired and help him to get to sleep when you can.  Take breaks every 40 minutes and leave the room (with him).  Wait 20-30 minutes or until he shows tired signs again and start again.  In between, go for walks to expose him to UV rays and daylight, so that his bedroom seems darker when you return and the shift will signal to him that it's time for sleep.

A few times I just put Jules in the carrier and wore my MP3 playerwhile she cried, I couldn't take it anymore, but I held her and shushed her for a 15 minutes walk, she finally settled and fell asleep.  Not the best way to achieve a nap, but when you've been in a dark bedroom all day listening to your baby cry, it has to be about your sanity.

Well, I hope that this helps you a bit...also go to the patt/shh board and Stacy and Kelly are great there too, they had lots of tips for me in helping to get Jules to sleep in her bed.  She's not at all an independent sleeper, she's just old enough now for pick-up put down, I'm kinda chicken to try it, she didn't respond well to pat/shh...she's easily over stimulated.  I'll ask them for help when I've had enough reading aloud to her while she dozes off.

Good luck this weekend.


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Re: Overtired
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2006, 14:03:32 pm »
I know I can't compare Hayden to angel babies, but it gets frustrating when it feels like I can't take him anywhere.  My MIL came over this past weekend (shower is not until the end of this morth) & held him against her chest the whole time she was here rocking him and kept saying to me "is he asleep yet?" & I kept saying "nope, eyes are still open", she was shocked he didn't sleep the whole time she was here (2 hours) & after she left he had his meltdown, no one ever sees our screaming baby except DH & I & I sometimes think people think we are making it up since he seems to save his screaming for after they leave  :( .

I too can't do the shh/pat, he just keeps stirring the whole time so what I have to do is crank my white noise machine & just lightly rub his back, seems to be working for the moment but like I said, what works one day doesn't work the next.

Offline jayne

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Re: Overtired
« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2006, 14:28:40 pm »
, no one ever sees our screaming baby except DH & I & I sometimes think people think we are making it up since he seems to save his screaming for after they leave :( .

i hear you on that.. gina very rarely had a meltdown in front of others.. they all thought she was so sweet-- yeah and then the min. they left or we left them she would scream for hours :-\

you are tuning into what she needs.. just keep doing what you are doing and it will come together.. come and vent anytime you want/need to--but you are doing great!!

oh the whitenoise machine was a life saver for us also :)

dd#1  05-14-2001
dd#2  08-06-2004