I am loosing my patience , I just do not understand is it me doing something wrong or what? Getting my to take a nap is such a trouble. No, let me rephrase it it is not trouble to get him down, but to get him stay asleep. I watch his sleep cues. Change diaper, kind of swaddle him, his hands swaddled but room for legs to kick . He usually starts to scream then. So I hold him sing to him, then one minute he stops and closes eyes. I put him down, sometimes he starts to cry again , I shush or sing in his ear(otherwise he would not hear me) and generally he closes eyes again an seems sleeping. at this point I never know what is coming. Will he be seemingly sleeping for a 2-5 minand start to cry again or sleep for a 30 min and start again. Mind you i does not matter do I shush pat this time or no. Still if he has pattern to start to wake every 2-5 min he does that despite me shushing. I am just confused and do not know what to do

How to break this pattern, because it makes him overtired and more and more cranky which m akes falling asleep more impossible.