I have been having teouble with ds andhis naps since he was born

Over the las couple of days I have kept a log of eating,sleeping and waking times to try and find a pattern. ANyway, I have notice that he is pretty much waking up 30 minutes into each nap. I went into him this morning just before the 30 minute mark and sure enough he began to stir. AS soon as he did I began patt/shh and managed toresettle him but htne he woke 5 minutes later so had to do it agian. He is still alseep now but I have some question regarding what I should do.
1. First, is there a reason why he would be waking after 30 minutes consistently?
2. Should I wait until he stirs to do pat/shh or try wake to sleep?
3. How long should I ocntinue the patt/shh for after he resettles?
He is breastfeed on a 3 hour easy. His awake time is only 1 hour before he gets sleepy. Windown routine consists of taking him t ohis room, making dark, turning on whitenoise, giving his dummy and cuddling until his eyes get heavy then lay him down i his cot and patt to sleep.
Just thought of another couple of questions.
At 12 weeks approx how long should awake and sleep times be?? We are currently aiming for 1-1.5 hours awake time and 1.5 - 2 hours sleep. Is that right or should I adjust it?