My dd is 1 week old. She started off her life pretty loudly - the first thing I noticed about her was her 'voice' - but she seems to have calmed down this past week. She doesn't cry much these days, which I consider a blessing (trust me, I am not complaining).
My question is if you could tell me if I'm starting her off right. I didn't find the BW book until DS was 3 mo, so I don't have that experience with 0-3 mo newborns.
Basically, I have dd on a 2 hour EASY (per Tracy's recommendation since she was born jaundiced and isn't 6.5 lbs yet) however, if she wakes up sooner, I feed her again. I just need my little girl to gain weight at this point (her weight dipped after she was born, which is normal, but it hadn't started going up yet).
I'm trying to keep her awake for a little bit after she eats, so that she doesn't learn to fall asleep while bf'ing. I'm having trouble keeping her awake while eating, though. That little girl can sleep! Any suggestions on how to keep her awake while nursing, other than talking to her or getting her down to her diaper for some skin contact?
I haven't done the temperament test yet since I don't quite feel comfortable labeling her. A few days ago I would quickly have said she was probably spirited but now I'm thinking she may be an angel or textbook baby. I'll wait until I get to know her better.
Anything I'm missing??