On the contrary, you are being very encouraging. Thank-you so much. It makes me less likely to think it's something I'm doing when I'm not the only one!!! I'm hoping her switch is activated soon. She sounds a lot like your DS, mabe we could have them chat and sort each other out!
I think for now, I am going to watch for the tired signs, although they've never been very obvious or predictive of her needing to go to sleep, and put her down when she seems to need it. I have seen her yawning a lot earlier than I thought she was tired.
She's seems ok (not grumpy) without that last nap by the end of the day except that she is very tired. We've tried to put her to bed earlier but when we did that she screamed until the regular bed time! Grrrrrrr!
We are having some trouble with her waking up at night for a feed and then not going back to sleep. I know she wakes because she's hungry because she takes a full feed but then most nights she won't go back to sleep. This has been going on for a month and has happened before during a growth sput but how long can she spurt! I can't get her to take more during the day. I don't mind feeding her at night but I would sure like her to go right back to sleep! I think a lot of this has to do with all of the new tricks she's learning lately and the teething.
Anyway, I'm hanging in there thank-you so much for your support. It so glad I'm not alone in not trying to FORCE sleep, it just seems pointless because if she doesn't want to sleep she's not going to! And you're right it's not worth the frustration!!
Thanks again you really are a life line right now!