Over the last couple of weeks my 10 week old has developed a 45 minute nap habit. He usually sleeps through his morning nap, but usually wakes during the other two after 45 minutes almost on the dot! I tried wake to sleep the day before yesterday, going in at 40 minutes. After a minute or so of stroking his cheek I had absolutely no response, and must admit I gave up, terrified of waking him right up. And 5 minutes later, he woke up again anyway! It wouldn't be such a problem, but he never settles back down and obviously needs the sleep because he's so overtired by bedtime, it takes forever to settle him down (until the DF if we're having a really bad day). I was out yesterday but asked my husband to try w2s - but during both naps, he woke after half an hour before he had a chance. He did exactly the same with me during the lunchtime nap today. I thought I'd go in just before half an hour this afternoon. After stroking his cheek, head, chest and eventually ear, he finally moved slightly, so I retreated quickly. I heard nothing for a while so was just congratulating myself when he woke at 45 minutes on the dot again! Did I go in too early, or just not wake him enough? Or shouldn't I expect results for a few days? Is it likely that his sleep cycle changes from 30 to 45 minutes, or is there another reason for him waking? Just to make things worse, he's taken to crying inconsolably when he wakes during his pm nap, shush-patting doesn't help and the only thing that will stop him is unswaddling, opening the curtains and getting him up, at which point he stops immediately and is as happy as larry! I wouldn't mind if he wasn't tired, but he so obviously is! These short naps are having such a detrimental effect on the whole day, I'm really desperate for a solution!