My lo is-- or was the same way. We resorted to giving him quite a bit of whole milk yogurt, which he tolerated and now loves, and cheese. We also increased the intake of vegetables that have calcium like broccoli and spinach...he ate those daily for a while. While this was going on we experimented almost daily with just a couple of ounces of milk. We tried it warmer, luke warm, cold out of the refrigerator, etc. We also tried flavors like a little (very little) strawberry Quick, Chocolate and our favorite - Ovaltine which is now his favorite also. We put no pressure on because we were supplementing with the other dairy and veggies and one day, out of the blue he drank down the 2 oz and asked for more milk. He still doesn't drink a lot, but since he eats yogurt and high calcium veggies and plain milk in cereal, , and he drinks 4-6 oz a day now we know he is getting the necessary calcium.... He prefers his milk cold but not chilled, with very little ovaltine and we are more than satisfied with his intake.