Author Topic: short first am nap is throwing off whole day  (Read 712 times)

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Offline frankiesmom

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short first am nap is throwing off whole day
« on: June 12, 2006, 18:56:44 pm »
More problems with this lo!  Luca is 4.5 weeks old and is on prilosec for reflux (which is making things a little complicated).  However, I do see an improvement in his symptoms.  He is on 3 hour EASY.  Typically he is in bed by 8 pm and wakes every 2.5 to 3 hours from there.  We are trying a df, but haven't been able to establish one yet, mainly because his schedule is so unpredictable.  Sometimes he wakes before 10 and sometimes we can't get him to settle until 10 (mostly b/c he is overtired). The last night feeding is generally around 4am and then for the rest of the morning he is very restless, sometimes needs intervention after 45 minutes, sometimes, just making lots of noises and moving around.  He is up by 7, feeds and tired again in 40 to 45 minutes after waking.  Usually, I can feed him, give him his meds, which really winds him up, and then change his diaper before he is extremely cranky.

Anyway, he sleeps on his belly at the suggestion of my GI specialist for his reflux.  So, I take him to his room, pat/ sh him and probably hold him a little too long before putting him down but have to do it b/c of my 22 month old running around like a nut,   So, I put him down, pat him for a while and then leave, he is back up in 45 minutes. I think it is b/c he is overtired b/c he is not going back to sleep well in the morning.  I try pat/sh in the crib or picking him back up if he is really upset, but it never seems to work, then he is horribly miserable until it is time to feed him again, so sometimes I give in and feed him at 2 hours, then he falls asleep while eating, then I am really thrown off.  If I can hold  him off from eating, then he is up for 1.5 hours before his next nap, and then he is so overtired, he doesn't sleep well for the next nap, he is miserable and so on and so on and a vicious cycle continues for the rest of the day.

So, any suggestions about how to fix this and what do I do if he wakes early from a nap and he is really crying until I feed him?  If I wait until his next feed time, then his by his next nap, he is so overstimulated that he doesn't sleep well and then the whole day is ruined!

Thanks, Kim

Offline linfran

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Re: short first am nap is throwing off whole day
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2006, 20:20:08 pm »
Hi Kim

First, big hugs to you, sounds like you need them!

Can you tell us what his routine is (roughly, I guess it varies!) and how much milk he's taking on board at each feed?

My lo is 4 months and whilst he's basically now on 4 hour EASY his morning nap is spilt into two, 45 mins shortly after his breakfast bottle, then 45 mid morning at 11.30 am - he's always done this and I figure if it keeps him happy, where's the harm, babies are all different anyway and this is just my ds's way of doing things in the morning.  Strange thing is, the rest of the day is textbook 4 hour easy.  I reckon he just likes being awkward - typical man!!!!

Offline frankiesmom

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Re: short first am nap is throwing off whole day
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2006, 17:07:44 pm »
Well, I am striving for 3 hour EASy, but I can tell you what his day was like yesterday...

7am wake, bf
8am sleep (up at 45 minutes, try to extend, no luck)
9am to 9:45 miserable and cranky!
9:45 bf
10:30 sleep (was able to extend this one)
12:30 bf
1:30 eat
3:15 wake
3:45 bf
4:45 sleep
5:30 wake, bf
6:30 nap in front pack
7:30 bath
7:45 bf
wrestle with him until 9pm when finally went to sleep
11:00 bottle (3 oz)
1:45 wake and bf
4:00 wake and bf
6:45 wake and bf

Sometimes I can extend him with pat/sh but I don't seem successful in the am, and then the rest of the day seems off, like he is overtired.  He is sooooo cranky when he wakes up early from his nap, so I know he needs more sleep.  The only thing that calms him down is to feed him, but I am really trying to wait the 3 hours.

Hope you can help with this info!


Offline linfran

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Re: short first am nap is throwing off whole day
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2006, 18:43:57 pm »
I can sympathise with the reflux, it can really throw them off - my lo has v bad reflux which thankfully is easing with medication and age (although he has bronchiolitis now which really messes the routine!!!).  Is your lo on any medication?

I had the same problem with my ds because of the reflux as I would feed him, then he'd throw up and then you'd wonder whether he needed feeding again because he was so cranky (guess you would be if you'd seen your meal twice if you get my meaning!)

I'm no expert but having looked at your day I wonder how much he's getting to eat at each bf - this is in no way a criticism so please please please don't take offence!!!!  I just found it really hard when i was bf to work out how much my ds had actually taken in as he would faff about a lot and I found it helped to take a measure by expressing to give me some idea.

Anyway, with the unpredictability of reflux I found it helped to start with the bedtime routine, very slow and gradual - dh would bath him, into his pyjamas and a feed in the quiet of his nursery with the blinds pulled and the lights dimmed.  After a week or so I found he started sleeping far better a night, 6-7 hours at a stretch before he needed a feed.

After that, EASY started to fall more readily into place.

As I say, I'm no expert but I found the constancy of this one little routine in his day really helped.

I'm sorry I can't say anything more definite but I reckon with a 22 month old you deserve a medal!

Good luck and best wishes, please let me know how you get on.