Forgive me for being ignorant but what exactly is EASY? I am assuming it is Eat, Activity, Sleep but the Y evades me. Also how do I start to implement this into my baby's life?
My baby is 7.5 months old. He is a very placid and easy baby. He very seldom cries and is generally a happy chappy. He has 4 teeth. First two (bottom) came through with no hassle at all. Second set (top) came through when we were on holidays and he cried for an hour. But since then he has stopped sleeping through the night. He could wake 2 or three times and appears to be hungry at least one of them. And sometimes if I take him into our bed he falls straight back asleep but the problem there is so do I so needless to say he doesn't make it back to his cot.
But my major worry is...he goes down to sleep around 8ish. No probs there but within an hour maybe hour & a half he will start to cry really hard and when we go up all it takes is pat/shush or pu/pd to send him back off. But I am wondering why he may wake like this crying?
Has anyone else experienced this?