I am currently, slowly extending my dd activity time b/w waking and her first nap and also b/t first and second naps. Of course this is pushing her naps back later in the day. Ex: today she went down for her second nap at almost 2:30 and I woke her at 3:45. I woke her b/c it was already getting pretty late in the day considering I put her to bed at 7:00. I am confused on how all of this works? I know she will eventually lose the morning nap and the afternoon nap will be moved up a bit. Here is her current schedule. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I felt awful having to wake her from her second nap but I didn't want to mess up her night time.
7:00 wake, BF
8:00 solids
9:45 Nap (usually an hour and 10 min)
11:00 BF
12:30 solids
2:30 Nap (usually an hour and a half...but this was the first day that I extended wake time till 2:30)
4:30 solids
6:30 bath, BF
7:00 bedtime (tonight I put her down at 7:30 b/c I was a bit confused on what to do w/ such short A time after her afternoon nap).