Author Topic: Not eating in the am  (Read 1261 times)

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Not eating in the am
« on: July 05, 2006, 15:37:05 pm »
With all of the issues I post about, you'd think I was crazy.  I am a little but I am having such a difficult time reading my LO these days.  She's had problems waking up in the middle of the night.  Well, yesterday was a little erratic in that we went to visit friends in Phoenix for the day and got home late.  She had 2 oz at 10 but slept through the night.  She woke at 6:30.  I went in because I heard her playing and cooing in her crib.  She has never eaten first thing so I waited 45min. Then she made her hungry noises but she wouldn't eat!!!  I waited another 15 minutes but she still wouldn't eat but was still making her noises and now getting fussier.  Then Voila! She rubbed her eyes and yawned.  So I put her down for a nap 1:15 minutes after she woke up.  So now it's 8:30 and she been asleep for 45 minutes and no bottle!  Has anyone ever had this happen before? 

The friend we visited yesterday has a baby 1 week older than my Lo and she is an eating machine!  I was so jealous.  I know my LO can feel my stress about her eating and it affects her.  I hate this!  HELP!!!!!

Proud Army Wife and New Mother to
Elizabeth Grace

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Re: Not eating in the am
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2006, 20:07:28 pm »
What is going on around her while you try to feed her?  My LO did exactly the same thing one nice day when I decided to take her to the park for the first time.  She was hungry, and let me know it, but every time I stuck the bottle in her mouth she spit it out because that tree blowing in the wind was WAY more interesting.  She actually skipped a meal that day, at 2 oz (over 2 hour period) instead of 6.  The new surroundings could have everything to do with it.

So long as your LO is a healthy weight, try not to worry.  I find myself stressing about similar things too but try to remember that she's not 6 weeks anymore, she's 6 months.  Sleeping longer or shorter than normal, eating more or less, it all evens out in the end.  Like today for instance, it took me an hour to get her to nap, by that time it was time to eat.  I let her go 5 hours inbetween eating because she was napping late.  She's no worse for the wear.  Only problem is she's going to have a late night tonight if she gets her last bottle in.

Good luck!!

Angels 7wks-June07, 11wks-Oct07, 5wks-Jan08

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Re: Not eating in the am
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2006, 20:30:03 pm »
I think you're right about the distractions.  My husband could say something from the other room and she'll spit out the nipple and be done.  I try so hard to get her the oz that she needs and she's lucky to get the minimums.  I am really trying to let it go and see what happens.  She has a Dr. appt on the 11th so we'll see what he says.  I just don't want her to feel my stress (impossible I know).  Everytime I try to feed her I get stressed out wondering what it any she'll eat.  She's sleeping now after 3oz.  She won't want another bottle until 4 or so so I'll see if she'll take a bottle then followed by some dinner.  What do I do to relax about the amounts she eats?
Proud Army Wife and New Mother to
Elizabeth Grace


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Re: Not eating in the am
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2006, 20:37:36 pm »
What do I do to relax about the amounts she eats?
along as shes alert, active and not showing any signs of dehydration then there is no cause for worry.
it difficult not to get stressed (i know) sometimess DD would take hardly anything. she was not a big morning drinker but would tank herself up towards the end of the day.

now she eats like a pig!!!! ;D

Offline BabyE'sMama

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Re: Not eating in the am
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2006, 13:16:03 pm »
I get so stressed before every feed.  I know she can feel it so it's not helping.  Thanks for your reply.  It does make me feel better.  I know she'll be a great eater when she's on more of a solids diet.

Proud Army Wife and New Mother to
Elizabeth Grace