Author Topic: More a suggestion than a glitch....  (Read 3397 times)

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More a suggestion than a glitch....
« on: July 10, 2006, 02:29:14 am »
On the Childbrain board, there have been a lot of members who've signed up, posted once or twice, and then gone away and never come back, leaving their accounts. so they had to finally start pruning accounts. I don't really like the idea of pruning accounts from folks who haven't posted for a while because they're busy but do check in from time to time, but what about people who've only even logged in once or twice in the last, say, 18 or 24 months? I was just wondering if the really REALLY high number of members might be part of the slow server problem, especially since I'm pretty sure I don't see posts from that many thousand people on here - LOTS, but not THAT many! :-\

Just a thought - feel free to rap my knuckles if it's a bad idea..... I just miss being able to skim all the posts now that I finally have hi-speed! :(

Offline Gareth - Harvey & Theo's Dad

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Re: More a suggestion than a glitch....
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2006, 06:38:21 am »
The number of members is pretty insignificant Deb, the software is basically a string of databases strung together, so all they take up is space in a database, and being text based, they don't even take up that much space, they just lay dormant until a request is made of them.  What is certainly a fact though, is that so many more people simply browse the forum and never make a post. 

Harvey - 18 Nov 2003

Theo - 24 Dec 2005