My dd who is about 14 mos is just not napping well these days. We recently transitioned to 1 nap a day and I wait about 5 hours after she gets up to put her down. She actually falls asleep while she is eating right before I put her down so I KNOW she is tired. Well, she falls asleep ok, but then only 35 minutes later, she wakes up SCREAMING! I just don't know what to do. I have tried settling her while she is lying down in her crib, but as soon as I walk out she starts screaming her head off. Do I just let her cry? She is old enough to put herself back to sleep so not sure how to handle this. When I walk in, she usually is standing up crying. I just don't know what to do anymore. It is making me crazy since I thought the one nap a day should be really long. Now it is REALLY short! Is she even ready? Maybe I should go back to 2 naps a day? But then she fights the afternoon naps! UGH!