Author Topic: What's going on at 3 months?  (Read 930 times)

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Offline Mamalou

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What's going on at 3 months?
« on: August 05, 2006, 22:56:25 pm »
Hi, this is my first time posting so bear with me if I ask something already here or make some kind of mistake. 
Ok, Kubko is 14.5 weeks old.  I started EASY about a month or so ago.  Things were going well, he got used to feeding every 3 hours, waking up at 7 everyday, and his new earlier bedtime at 7:30.  Before, I didn't know how to read his cues and would feed him almost everytime he cried.   So, that is going much better.  And I never put him down for naps, I'd just let him fall asleep when he could.   So since I've started EASY, He had started to nap If the naps were short, I could extend them with ssshh-patting him.  But the last few days have been horrible.  I don't know what is going on.  He'll sleep for 30-45 minutes and even if I'm there patting him or with my hand on him to do wake to sleep,he wakes up and he's really frustrated!  It has been so hard for us to get him back to sleep.  We try sssh-pat and he now seems to hate it, where before it usually worked.  He arches his back now and screams.  So, I've tried rubbing his back or putting him on his belly, but then he usually practices lifting his head (like tummy time)and he won't get to sleep that way.  After trying to get him to go back to sleep he gets so frustrated that it's almost impossible to calm him down.  The only thing that works usually is to go stand in front of the CD player and start some music.  Even then, he's calm for a bit, and then when I put him back in bed he's hysterical again.  Or today, even not even putting him back in the bed he got to crying like crazy again.  Sometimes I'll feed him earlier, then we'll try to put him back down after a shorter activity time since he's overtired.  Then the cycle begins again, he'll sleep for 30-45 and then wake screaming.  Today he wouldn't even go to sleep for his catnap. 
As for his routine:
E 7:00
A 7:30
S 8:15 or 30
E 10
A 10:30
S 11:15 or 30
E  1
A 1:30
S 2:15 or 30
E  4
A 4:30
S 5:15 or 5:30
E 6:00
A 6:30 and bath
E top off after bath
S 7:30
He goes to bed at 7:30, never later than 8:30.Bedtime is not usually ever a problem, he'll go to sleep without problem.   I dream feed him at 11.  He wakes around 4 and then lately he's also been waking at 6 and sometimes I can calm him down to sleep til 7, and sometime he'll lay awake fussing in his bed til 7.  I've fed him at 6 a couple of times before, but usually try to comfort him back to sleep so he'll eat at 7.  Would like to try wake to sleep, to get him to stop that 6 o'clock waking.
So what is going on?  Thought it was just gong to take some more time, but these past few days he's been so grumpy that it's worried me.  He's usually a mellow little guy.  (textbook I think)
Could this be some kind of growth spurt, or have to do with him rolling over, or is it just going to take more time, if so, should we do pu/pd? I'm afraid it will only frustrate him more. 
Hope someone can help,

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Re: What's going on at 3 months?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2006, 23:51:48 pm »
Only have a moment, but check here:

Tracy gave us lots of good info about Josie and her short naps. In our case, the early morning 4AM-ish waking was setting us up for a day of short naps.

HTH! :)

Offline Mamalou

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Re: What's going on at 3 months?
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2006, 07:38:31 am »
Thanks.  Funny, I had read that a while ago (before we had this similiar problem),I didn't think about it applying to us.  Anyhow, today we're going to try longer activity times (which it looks like you did also) and maybe try to move to a 3.5 hour EASY since he's almost 3.5 months old.  He's taking his first nap right now, went down okay (not without fussing, but that's how he puts himself to sleep, that mantra or fussing just before he konks out)after about 15-20 min. of extra activity time.So we'll see.  Of course, we're going to my in-laws weekend house today for a few days, so might be a challenge anyhow.  I'll check back and let you know when we return.  Thanks again
  oh and p.s. woke again at 4 today, went back to sleep but woke again at 6.  We wake at 7, so I ssh-patted him back to sleep, successfully (yay!)  and woke him at 7.  The 4 am feed must be necessary for him right? Or is this habitual waking?  Just don't understand why he always wakes just 2 hours later.....

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Re: What's going on at 3 months?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2006, 13:12:19 pm »
In Josie's case the 4AM waking had become habitual. When we increased her daily calories by giving her that "snack" feed before naptimes, we were able to get her down w/o a feed at 4AM, and eventually she stopped waking then and that helped her stay awake longer the first Awake period and set us up for a more "normal" EASY routine.