Author Topic: Thoughts on these nw please, 7 mos.  (Read 874 times)

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Offline Ami ~ 3 girls' mom

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Thoughts on these nw please, 7 mos.
« on: July 30, 2006, 18:57:56 pm »
I think this started with the 6mo growth spurt and we never recovered.  :(  Then we went on vacation, grandparents came to visit, and she's been onslaught with one milestone after another.  For a while she was getting up three hours after bedtime happy as a clam and showing no tired signs.  Trying to put her back to sleep was pointless, and at exactly 1-1/2 she would rub her eyes and go down without a problem.  Now she's up and down from 4-6am, finally falling asleep at 6:00. Lately her sisters wake her when they start their day at 6:30, and then she starts rubbing her eyes after one hour and can barely make it to 9 for morning nap.   :(  If she were hungry from the lack of solids I think she'd actually be eating at night, but it's just habit.

Do I need to shorten her naps?  She wakes up happy so I was assuming they were just right.  Though I'd trade naps for nights right now.   :)

How old is your child? 7 mos.
What’s his/her daily routine? on a good day:
7:00 wake and nurse
9:15 or 9:30: nap
10:45 or 11:00 wake and nurse
1:30 nap
3:00 wake and nurse
6:00 bedtime
What’s nap routine? walk outside for a few minutes, come in and give sisters kisses, in room and hum a song, then down in crib
How long are naps? 1-1/2 hour each, occasionally wakes crying at 45 minutes but can pat/sh to sleep
What's bedtime routine? Time? same as naps, and 6:00.  If naps have not gone well I stand on my head and give her a short nap about 5 and then bed at 7 or 7:30.
Do you bottle or breastfed?? breastfed
If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed) maybe 5 minutes each side and on demand if she 'asks' during the day
How many wakes per night? 3-4, starting three hours after bedtime and then every 2-3 hours
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up?
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry?
usually crying, sometimes happy and wanting to play though.  wakings are habitual, she wants to eat and she's up for maybe 15 minutes
What have you tried to settle?? Gentle Removal Plan.  She loves to nurse and is not stopping during the night willingly.  Now she's used to me pulling her off instead of her stopping when she's through, but she's still waking several times.
What do you do for A time and how long is it? usually plays with her sisters, crawls around the house, we don't have a lack of things to keep her entertained   :P
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? started with rolling at five months, now getting self to sitting and standing, crawling, and teething
Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months) none, she hates spoon-fed unless she's holding the spoon.  I'm trying finger foods but it's slow going.
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? feeding, although she's never nursed to sleep
Do they have a lovie? a blanket, but not sure if she's attached to it at all

Offline Ami ~ 3 girls' mom

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Re: Thoughts on these nw please, 7 mos.
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2006, 03:38:41 am »
More, and I know this is rambling, but maybe someone can pick something out.

Nighttime is just different from day sleep.  She will go to bed OK but screams when she wakes up.  This morning she was up 3-6 and finally passed out at 6:15.  Do I keep EASY or throw it out for the day b/c there is no way she's staying awake for three hours after a night like that?  I think the catnap is gone -- if she sleeps at 5 she doesn't go down until 9, but as of yet she can't make it very long from PM nap to bedtime.

I need a plan or a starting point, and again sorry for rambling, I'm in serious need of sleep.   :-\

Offline workingmum

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Re: Thoughts on these nw please, 7 mos.
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2006, 05:51:23 am »
I'm not sure I can be much help, but my DS started nw at 7 months too after being a great sleeper. In our case it co-incided with my return to work so I'm not sure it's exactly the same. What I did to get him to sleep in the end was change what I did when he woke. At first I was feeding him with every waking but then I realised that he didn't need it so I stopped that and eventually with some ssshh pat he would go back down. Now he is sleeping through the night again.

The only thing that stands out to me from the info you gave is that your DD is feeding 5 mins on each side. Maybe she's not getting enough hind milk? Maybe try feeding just from one side (but having said that my DS would drain a side in 5 mins too so that might not be a problem for you at all). Also, bf babies seem to take to solids more slowly so that could be part of it too, although I think the reason they don't is bcos they don't need to. My DS didn't really take to finger foods until after 12 months. I would probably persist with the cereal and/or pureed veges first, but don't be too alarmed if she doesn't eat much at first. At 7 months DS was only eating one teaspoon of cereal a day (also bfed!).

Now I'm rambling!! Good luck, I hope you find something to work!
Mum of Jack, Feb 2005,
baby no 2 due Oct 2006,
Brisbane Australia.