Author Topic: how do I extend night feeding?  (Read 1082 times)

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Offline Lica

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how do I extend night feeding?
« on: July 27, 2006, 15:20:15 pm »
DD is 14 weeks old, and with Dreamfeed at 10-11pm, she still wakes up for feeds after 4 hours, and then 3 hours. Could it be a growth spurt because I don't feel engorgement, and I need to top off EBM after every feed?

Here is her schedule at night:

6:30pm bf

1100pm DF-EBM

300pm bf

630pm bf

Is it true that 3 months old can go 8 hours unfed at night?
How can I achieve this goal?

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Re: how do I extend night feeding?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 17:04:44 pm »
HOw long has she been on this night-time feed pattern? And what do daytime feeds look like? Growth spurts have always last 2-3 days for me.

Offline Lica

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Re: how do I extend night feeding?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2006, 17:05:58 pm »
Hi, DD has been on this midnight-feeding since birth. But I noticed that she wakes up more with DF.I don't want to drop DF as her weight gain is really slow, about a pound per month only.

Here is feeding schedule.

9am BF

12am-1pm BF

3pm BF

6pm BF

When I don't have enough supply,she would want another feed at

730pm BF

10pm-11pm DF(it depends on when she had her last feed, I usually go 4 hours)

3am BF

sometimes she wants a feed at 5am again

and then

6am-630am BF

I think I had supply problem recently, cause when I pumped at an interval of 3 hours, the amount decreased. I wonder if growth spurt and supply problem make the situation worse...

I try to increase my milk supply by taking herbs and pump after BF.

any thought is appreciated.

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Re: how do I extend night feeding?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2006, 10:20:24 am »
Hi there!
Here's my 2 cents. I'm sure others will add more though from a different perspective.

If you can try to avoid supplementing with the ebm at the end of the feed. If you do this, you are not sending your breasts the message that they need to up production at the times when it's most needed. Try and keep her as long as you can at the breast. (I'm assuming you are double-sided feeding) Once both breasts seem to be finished - go back to the first one again. You will get another letdown and something will come out even if it's not the first flood of foremilk it was before. The milk she will get will actually be high in fat content. I know it's tempting to offer the ebm but I'm just saying try and give your breasts as much stimulation as you can or your production will not compensate at the right times.

Quote (selected)
Is it true that 3 months old can go 8 hours unfed at night?
Yes, some can. Not all do. You can experiment with trying to settle her back to sleep using other methods (e.g pat/shush from someone else) but if she wakes up again soon after then it may well be she's hungry. You can try and meet her sucking need with a paci and see what happens although some people question the use of pacis if a mum is concerned with baby's weight gain.

 In my case I was feeding on a very similiar schedule to you at 3 months. I was able to manage fine and I knew it would have an important benefit for my milk supply (night feeding produces higher levels of the prolactin hormone which determines milk supply).

Many babies start to sleep through naturally themselves when they are ready. Some need encouragement. If your LO is truly hungry then all the pat/shushing in the world may not do it. A lot will depend on how you are coping with the nightwakings - for some people who struggle with less sleep it is a priority to try and encourage longer intervals at night. If you have weight gain concerns that is another factor to consider.

Have a look at this:

I know it's hard but don't assume you have a supply problem just from a decrease in pumping output. Around 3/4 months (this happened to me so I looked into it) it is not at all uncommon for mothers to find a reduction in pumping output as breasts become more accustomed to their baby's sucking action. Some mothers find it difficult to achieve letdown at all. I switched to a hand pump (I had been using an electric pump) and found that if I was able to control it I got better results. However everyone is different. It sounds as though you aren't just judging by pumping. Have a chat with a helpline/ counsellor if you do have reasons to worry about your supply.
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Offline Lica

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Re: how do I extend night feeding?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2006, 14:39:41 pm »
Hi,Samuel's mom

My milk supply is back again, and I can stockpile. So I assume DD has enough food.
Also I try to put her to bed later ( used to be down by 645pm), and I think that helps.
After DF ( she wakes up for it) at 10am, she sleeps until 2am. true hunger and I feed her.
and I try to top her off at 430am hoping she won't wake up at 5 or 6. she doesnt take much but amazingly still asleep at 730am ;D

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Re: how do I extend night feeding?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2006, 19:16:49 pm »
Glad to hear it! :)
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