Author Topic: So paranoid about supply  (Read 642 times)

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Offline MGardner

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So paranoid about supply
« on: August 02, 2006, 14:53:16 pm »
I started a new thread for this because it is somewhat of a different topic. I am a working mom and now pumping during the day. I am so paranoid about my supply and that it will be the reason why I eventualy stop nursing. My husband thinks I am so obsessed with it that I unconsciously wake the baby during the night to feed him more often. I don't physically wake the baby but I tend to jump at any chance I have to nurse which is probably having a negative effect on things. Also my husband is sad that he no longer gets opportunities to feed the baby as I want to nurse all the time when i am home now. MY LO is 4 months and I want to breastfeed to as close to a year as I can do. I am so nervous to start him on solids at 6 months because I feel like this will take away from nursing. I am just always so nervous about my milk and how much I have, I don't know, it's driving me crazy! I almost feel like quitting now so I don't have to worry about it anymore!

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Re: So paranoid about supply
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2006, 19:49:34 pm »
Deep breath!
Big Hug

It is very natural to be nervous about your supply especially if you balancing working/ pumping/ being a mum. Your cautious approach will help you to get to that year mark - embrace your paranoia as a useful tool but also recognise it can be disheartening.

From your photo you clearly have a happy bouncing baby - he doesn't look short of an oz to me! Your baby will tell you if he is not getting enough.

When solids come it will be the next natural stage. It will happen because he has new requirements (a bit more iron for one) and it will be fun! (honest!).

Starting solids doesn't mean breastmilk takes a backseat as it will still be his primary form of nutrition but it does mean you are not responsible for making every calorie. Your DH will also be able to take an important role with feeding again - he can start looking at the recipe books now and soon it will be time to freeze the first few batches of ice cubes. I'm sure he understands why breastfeeding is important as the couple of comments you've described don't exactly sound superhelpful (I'm assuming there's lots of positive support going on too)!

There may be something useful on this thread if you haven't already read it:

When it comes to night waking - every mum handles it differently. Feeding at night will help your supply so it's not the silliest idea. You just have to balance dealing with his hunger/ your supply and making possible habits you're not comfortable with.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 19:51:24 pm by Samuel's mum »
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Offline jbepko

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Re: So paranoid about supply
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 00:50:14 am »
I completely understand....especially after nursing/pumping 2 LO's. It'll be said 100 times, but try to relax. Try to keep a regular pumping schedule during the day at work with a good pump. Take care of yourself. Nurse your baby when you can (especially once in am and once in evening and then on weekends), but missed nursing won't be tragic. Nursing is a very special relationship between you and your baby- it should be treasured, not a source of anxiety. I have been in your shoes- I have worried through dips of supply, spilt milk, forgotten milk at work, daycare providers not understanding etc...and it comes out in the long run. Our bodies are amazing and can adapt to a multitude of situations. DH can connect with LO is so many other ways- make him solid feeder or official bath giver. Instead of being targeted on 12 months, just focus on tomorrow. And deep breath in and out.....

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Re: So paranoid about supply
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 22:06:25 pm »
Oh, hon... {{{hugs}}} to you.  I so seriously could've written your post 8 months ago.  All the worries & trying to do what's best for your family.  My DH thought I was a little obsessive about it ::), too, but he tried to be as supportive as he could. 

Well, I'm here to tell you it can be done.  :D  DS will be a year in 2.5 weeks, and we're still at it.  I started back to work when he was 4 months.  I, too, have worried over dips in supply, spills at daycare, and low stocks in the freezer.  But I've kept at it, one day at a time.  A regular pumping schedule at work really helps, as does pumping when you can on weekends (after he's nursed).  DS was 5.5 months when we started solids (a great place for DH to help!), but he mostly depended on milk for his nourishment.  It was that way for a few more months.  He still depends on it a lot, but solids have taken an increasing role as he nears a year.  HTH.  And more {{{hugs}}}.