Author Topic: Difficulty extending my 5-month old's naps - developmental ? feeding issue?  (Read 4488 times)

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Offline BoBoG

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yeah.. I don't think that our little guy has developed any consistent pattern or preference of napping just yet... for now, I just really want to break the very vicious habitual waking cycle.  I'm hoping that in time I'll know better what his needs are throughout the day - but, before all this started happening - I knew that he was very very content with an am nap of about 1.5-2 hours, an early p.m nap of about the same and then about an hour nap in the late afternoon. 

as far as the wedges, we only pulled them out last night 'cause 5x we had to go and rescue him 'cause he just didn't know how to roll back and would cry / get upset each time.  We certaintly aren't trying to stop his development - just tryinig to be safe and giving the little guy a chance to get some much needed sleep - rather than practising his rolling techniques.  We'll save the practising for day time rather than sleep time. 

so you can make them stir more than once during a nap - good to know.  Is there a point at which you shouldn't / or don't need to do this? can you over use the w2 sleep technique?

Offline BoBoG

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ok-  well hopefully it continues to work to break his habitual wakings.

Offline BoBoG

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wait, Stacy, I'm not sure if you read what happened during the first nap, but if you didn't, what do you do if they stir on their own at the 25 min point?  do you wait and make them stir @30 ?

Offline BoBoG

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so, don't make them stir at all - from that point on?

Offline BoBoG

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ah, okay, I get it.  but at some point - you shouldn't think its a habitual waking problem if they're into a consistent well-rested pattern - right?

Offline Jodi and her boys

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Hi there, I am jumping in here.  This is similar but not exact to what I am going through with my ds. 

My ds is almost 5 months old.  He has been very consistant in his napping routine the last two months (ever since I changed him to a 4 hr easy).  He usually takes two 2-2 1/2 hr naps and then a catnap at night.  I know this is alot of sleep for a lo but he thrived on it and sleeps through the night, so I wasn't too concerned.  For the last three days, ds has woken up at 6am (as opposed to 7am) and has been ready to go down 1 1/2 hrs after waking (very normal for him).  Instead of his normal 2-2 1/2 hr nap, he has been waking up after 1-1/2 hrs.  I realize that he is getting older and probably doesn't need the amount of sleep he has been getting, but my question is, do you actually train them to extend A time?  He is always so tired and cranky after the 1 1/2 hr A time mark.  BW says to watch sleep cues, but is this something that you just have to train them to do?  I read that Stacy, your lo didn't take very long naps.  I am hoping this will just be the case.  After a few days of extending their A time, do they start getting less cranky/ fussy?

