Author Topic: 13 mo and still midnight feeding - enough is enough!  (Read 758 times)

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13 mo and still midnight feeding - enough is enough!
« on: August 08, 2006, 12:10:11 pm »
My LO is 13 months and still wakes up for 1 feed (at about midnight) and it needs to stop!  I have tried just offering water, diluting the milk but nothing works, he will NOT go back to sleep without the bottle.  He drinks the whole bottle (about 200ml) and about 70% of the time will go straight back to sleep, but there is the odd occassion where he takes longer than 30mins to settle.  I have tried increasing his calorie intake during the day but if he has anymore he vomits at his bedtime bottle.  He usually goes to  bed at around 6:30pm and will usually wake 4-5 hours after for the bottle. 

He is also a constant night waker, rarely sleeping more than 4-5 hours at a time, but he is only fed the once.  I am at my wits end and desperate for more than 4-5 hours sleep at a time, surely at 13 months he can go ALL night now!!  What do I do??

Also, he is placed into his cot drowsy but awake and I stay with him with my hand on his back until he is pretty much asleep, sometimes the minute I lift my hand off his back he lifts his head up and I place my hand on him once again.  I am considering starting wi/wo but am unsure how and when to start and whether it would work as I believe it is all due to SA. 

Just to complicate things even more, he has just started to walk, and just had his 12mth vaccination.  Should I expect even more night wakings due to the walking etc??

Our day goes something like this:

6:30am - wake & bottle (200ml)
8am - breakfast
9:30am - nap (usually for 1 to 1.5 hrs) - or 3 hours after waking
10:30 - 11am - wake from nap
11am - bottle (240ml)
12:30 - lunch
2:00 - 2:30pm - Nap - for 30-40 mins (or 3.5 hours after waking from nap)
3pm - snack
5pm - dinner
6pm - 6:45pm - bath, bottle (250 - 300ml) and bed!

I am hoping that you can give me some insight into how to stop the night feeds and the constant waking.

Thanks for your help

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Re: 13 mo and still midnight feeding - enough is enough!
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 20:42:49 pm »
It seems like he is having a lot of liquid throughout the day.  Can you cut out one of those bottles.  He then may eat more solids.

If I were you I would gradually decrease the amount in the 12am bottle every 3 to 5 days until it is gone.  That makes it easier to get those calories during the day cause it is only a little bit at a time.


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Re: 13 mo and still midnight feeding - enough is enough!
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2006, 20:53:29 pm »
Maybe you could try and extend the afternoon nap to get him to go to bed later at night time,which might make him no wake during the night.
My DS is nearly 8months old and the last few nights was waking at 5.30am and he always wakes at 7am.He was going to bed at 7pm which I think was to early for him.So have taken him back to 8.8.30pm been it is summer here and he is back to waking at 7am.Am in the process of making his nap times in the am and pm  later starting to see if that helps  him.Right now he is cutting his two top teeth and all the other ones on the top are starting to come down,so he wants alto more sleep during the day.

Hope this helps
