the catnap time I could see that dd was tired. I had to do a few things, but decided we would take the stroller so dd could nap (she usually will if she is tired). She persevered and was awake when i got home. That was 6:15pm, we went straight into bedtime mode and at 7pm she was in bed. (fell asleep by 730pm)
She awoke last night at 12 (for about 45mins cooed), then again at 1:45 (this time she was hungry), then again at 4:30....from this point on I believe my dd (and myself) slept for about a half hour. I didn't interfere unless she called out....she giggled and gooed and screeched...endlessly.
My guess is this night waking occurred because my dd was overtired from yesterday. Is that right? Now what do I do today?? Already dd has cried through a diaper change, inhaled a bottle....but seems very fragile (unusually). Do I let her sleep at her leisure today? As long as it isn't for over two hours and the amount doesn't exceed what is normal (2, 2, .5/.75) ?
Also, I know I am expecting a growth spurt in here somewhere...dd is 22 weeks....could this be the cause of everything....she doesn't seem to want more to eat and she is very good at telling me if she does or doesn't.
I think I am definitely at a funky stage in development---all of this stuff going on!!! I found the 3/4 switch way easier....all suggestions appreciated.