Karen and Michelle, thanks for answering!!! The last couple of days I've been allowing her to stay up for an additional 15 minutes and she's been going down easy for the most part. Last night at bedtime was a real battle, but I don't know what happened there. She was up for 3 hours before she went down for the night, 45 minutes of that crying in my arms. Should the A before bedtime be longer for our little ones? It's so weird because by the end of the day, she's not yawning, maybe rubbing her face in her bath which is usually 1 hour before estimated bedtime. But then after her 10 minute bath while we put a diaper on her and lotion for her eczema and jammies, the kid is acting so hyper that it's hard to calm her down every night! Wondering if I should give her her bath right off and let her play quietly before bedtime.
I've read the one baby whisperer book but am learning so much more by reading all your threads on this site. For instance, I've been bfing dd after she wakes, including wake up for the day, 4 naps, before bedtime, and then her one usual nightwaking. She's a huge baby, over 20 pounds, and now I'm reading sample schedules and wondering if I feed her too often! I'll probably post on the 'E' board about this. Yet I can see how if I adjust her onto a feed schedule, it won't resemble 'EASY' for too long! Might be some A then E then more A!
Ugh. These catnaps are killing me. Yet I see I'm not alone as I read on the Sleep board!
Thanks again for being here for me,