Hi Sally,
Sometimes Cohen sleeps well when we are out for a walk or in the car, but then there are times where is just gets so cranky and we have to come home right away or a meltdown begins. If we are going on a long car ride, he tends to do well for the first sleep, but then if he wakes and wants to go back to sleep he usually screams. It's funny cause sometimes he'll scream for like the last hour in the car, but as soon as we get home, he's happy as can be. I think he just gets restless in the car seat.
Cohens been sleeping through the night for about a month. We used to do the dreamfeed, but then it started causing night wakings, so I stopped it and the first night I cut it out, he slept from 6pm-4:30. Do you dream feed? I also had to take his pacifier away to get Cohen to start sleeping through the night. He slowly started taking less and less food at night, then only wanted the pacifier. It was good at first cause it was a quick sollution, but then it just got to be frustrating. After the first night we took it away, he then slept through the night ever since.
Are you formula feeding or BF? If Dom was sleeping through, I am sure he'll start sleeping through again soon. I know when Cohen has his immunizations, he woke in the night for 3 days after, but then got back to normal.