Author Topic: Distractions are backfiring !!  (Read 960 times)

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Offline Lindy Loo

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Distractions are backfiring !!
« on: August 30, 2006, 13:40:06 pm »
My DS is 14 months and has always been a good eater however he has always got bored part way through mealtimes and required a distraction whilst finishing his food.  This distraction was always 1 item (usually a toy car or stacking cups).  He always looks forward to feeding times and as soon as I walk into the room with his food he will stop whatever he is doing and walk over to the chair with his booster seat on it and pat it to say he wants to get in. 

Lately though, (now he has got more into playing with his toys) he is getting bored of the 1 item (which I let him choose) and keeps demanding more.  As my dining table is in the living room where all his toys are they are all visible when he is eating so he starts pointing and shouting until I go get it for him.

He gets to the point now that he is so intent on having other toys (like footballs which can't be put on the table  :-\) that he refuses to finish his food and when I say "have you all finished? do you want to get down and play" he grins so broadly you can't mistake his desires.

Unfortunately there is nowhere else I can move his eating area to and only if I employ Mary Poppins will the toys be remotely out of site when eating  ::)

Have I got myself into a bad habit by allowing him a distraction toy in the first place in which case how can I reverse the tactic? or is this just a phase he is going through?


Offline CW

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Re: Distractions are backfiring !!
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 19:38:39 pm »
Hi there,

My DS is 22 months and we do the same thing from time to time.  I was concerned that we were helping to create a really bad habit, but my mom said that once he is completely able to feed himself, that will be the new distraction and he won't need toys, etc.   This has proven to be pretty accurate, because now we don't bring oodles of toys to his highchair.  My mom also had a good suggestion though, for when DS needed a distraction.  Have it be something educational, like a book, or a letter, or something that you can talk about while you feed him.  Ask him about what colors he sees, tell him the animals, etc.  We do that A LOT, and frankly I think it's made DS a really observant, good listener. 

At this stage, I am wondering about the transition to a booster seat?  He still sits happily in his high chair.  Any thoughts?


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Re: Distractions are backfiring !!
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 22:38:16 pm »
At this stage, I am wondering about the transition to a booster seat? He still sits happily in his high chair. Any thoughts?
If he is happy in his high chair i wouldn't get a booster seat just yet (imo). DD has a booster seat now as she really  was not happy in her highchair!! she loves it and its more sociable for her at mealtimes as shes sitting at the table. (loves to nick MY food though LOL)

Offline Lindy Loo

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Re: Distractions are backfiring !!
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2006, 09:12:44 am »
Hi there

Thankyou so much for you suggestions - he does seem less in need of toys etc if he is feeding himself but does tend to get bored and try and spoon feed the cat instead.  ::)
I will try with books and things we can talk about though. 

Regarding the booster seat.... DS was really whingey in the highchair and I had one of these "inflatable" travel booster seats which I gave a try and he was so chuffed at sitting properly at the table that he won't go near the high chair now.  His childminder had recently taken on another baby so had put my DS in a booster to free up her highchair so that probably had something to do with it.  As long as your DS is happy then there's probably no rush to move but mine is much happier since moved to his booster.

Thanks again for your advice

Lin x