Here in the UK the BBC are running a set of programmes for the onset of Autumn. There are adult programmes every night with nature and birds and animal info and the best thing is they do a children's programme too!
I know lots of you can't get BBC or CBeebies, but the accompanying web site is still great and worth a look, and I went out 'spotting' today. I printed off some of the info from the spotting section and the front page and made her a book. We had a lovely 2 hours in the woods finding all sorts of wonderful things. We found
-mushrooms and toadstools
-horse chestnuts
-a squirrel
-lots of muddy puddles!!!!
We wrote them all down in her book and drew pictures, i also took some photos which I will stick in and we bought some leaves and twigs and stuff home with us to make pictures with!
We had such a great day I wanted to encourage you all to get out there in the autumn sun! (if its autumn where you are that is!!)