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Offline yellow rose

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rolling over affecting naps
« on: August 22, 2006, 14:03:50 pm »
So I finally felt like I got my lo (7 months) on a good nap schedule after fighting the dreaded 45  minute naps.  He was doing well for about 2 weeks until he discovered he can roll over in his crib!!!!  AAAHH!  I know there's nothing I can do about it, but how long do you think it will take him to adjust to this and learn to nap again?  Also, my husband (pediatric nurse) is terrifed of him sleeping on his stomach because he thinks he'll suffocate.  Any advice I can give him to not be so worried?

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2006, 14:06:31 pm »
my dd did this and it took about 1 -2 weeks for her to outgrow the novelty.  We now have other sleep issues but that's a different story.  Also once on her tummy she could lift her head and support her weight as well as adjust her position.  I thought that the risk of suffocation reduced once they were able to move their position.  She would wake up because once on her tummy she would automatically lift her head up on her arms.

Offline Nay - Mateo's Mom

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2006, 14:08:06 pm »
OMG! I totally know what you're going through.
After long, hard work, we got Mateo on an awesome routine and then he started to roll!
He'd wake himself up and drive all of us crazy.

We made sure to incorporate this (as well as rocking, crawling, etc) into play time, so that he wouldn't feel the "need" to practice this while in his crib. After about 2 or so weeks, the novelty wore off, and all went back to normal.

Oh, and Mateo started to sleep on his tummy as soon as he could roll too. We didn't worry about it, coz he could figure out how to roll himself back in he needed to. (Mateo was 4 months when he rolled and started to crawl about 3 weeks after that!)


Offline yellow rose

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2006, 14:09:43 pm »
I think the real issue is that he doesn't know how to roll from his tummy to his back yet.  He only knows how to go the other way.  
I agree with you about being able to lift their head up.  I really don't see that as an issue, but am not sure how to convince my husband that it's okay.

Offline Caroline-Charlies Mummy

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 23:22:36 pm »
If he can lift his head and turn it to the side, then there's no problem with him popping over onto his tummy, even if he can't get back and cries for you to come and help him (that's just annoying, it's not dangerous ;)).

I agree with pp that a lot of practise during A time should help this stage pass a little quicker, and also make him less inclined to practise when he should be sleeping.
Caroline :)

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Offline yellow rose

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2006, 13:40:39 pm »
Okay, so in the meantime what do I do?  Just ignore him while he's "playing" in his crib or try to go in and intervene by trying to get him to go back to sleep - not sure how I would do that though.  Right now, he SHOULD be napping.  He slept for a total of 30 minutes, then rolled over and started playing with his crib bumpers and is now in there having a grand old time.  He slept on his tummy all night last night, so it's not like he doesn't know what to do. 

Offline Nay - Mateo's Mom

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2006, 14:22:48 pm »
I used to leave Mateo in there, still do actually if/when he wakes early. It's not that often anymore, but when he used to, I left him in there as long as possible, or until the time that his nap was suposed to be over.

I figured the following:
1. he is still "resting" without too much stimulation
2. he is learning to play independantly
3. sometimes even after he'd play for 30-40 minutes, he'd fall back asleep for another 10-20 minutes, so he was learning to put himself back to sleep.

Good luck,

Offline yellow rose

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2006, 18:50:21 pm »
That's what I thought.  Thanks!  I did that this morning and he went back to sleep.  I woke him at his feeding time, so he wouldn't be totally off schedule.

Offline Nay - Mateo's Mom

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2006, 18:54:15 pm »
Awesome news!! ;D ;D

Good for you for waking him. If your're on a good routing/schedule, then it's key to keep at it until it becomes the norm.
Sometimes my biggest mistake was going in to "rescue" him too early. After a few times of him putting himself back to sleep after 30-35 minutes, he started to shorten that time on his own. Now if he wakes for whatever reason, he's back asleep in no more than 5!

It's HARD to sit by and listen to them when you KNOW they should be asleep, but just stay strong.


Offline yellow rose

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2006, 13:15:21 pm »
Good news!  My lo has been taking regular AM & PM naps while happily sleeping on his tummy!  I always knew that once he realized he could sleep like that, he would be much happier.  He's never really liked his back.  So, after only a few days of him getting used to the idea, he's done great!  Thanks for the advice!

Offline Caroline-Charlies Mummy

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2006, 23:19:16 pm »
 :D :D

Congratulations lo
Caroline :)

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Offline Janet

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2006, 17:57:17 pm »
Okay, I need help on this too. DD has slept on her tummy all along. She's been rolling front to back for a few weeks. But now, every time I put her into bed, she immediately rolls onto her back and starts crying. Yesterday she wouldn't even nap in the morning. Last night it affected going to bed and then in the middle of the night. And now, it's been 20 min and she STILL won't stop the rolling or go to sleep. And no morning nap either. I'm at my wits end. I've tried going in, rolling her back over, resting my hand on her back. But that only seems to  her off! And this is a pretty laid back baby who normally doesn't cry. Any suggestions???

Offline motherof3

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2006, 17:33:11 pm »

I also am going through this, Abby will be 5 months next week.  She learned to roll from her stomach to back at 7 wks!! This never really bothered her sleep until now, she had been sleeping through the night.  She has been sleeping on her stomach since 10 wks and now has started rolling over at nap and bedtime.  At naptime it really isn't as much of an issue.  It usually just happens right after laying down and I just roll her back over and she sucks her thumb and goes to sleep.  But if she is fussy at all it is a chronic problem.  She can roll from her back to stomach but this is a new thing and it takes a lot of effort. 

The biggest problem is at night.  I don't know if she is squirmy through the night b/c of her reflux and then she inadvertently rolls over, then wakes up b/c she can't get back on her stomach?  I will hear her in her crib making noise, not crying, and I go in and she has her blanket (lovie) on top of her and smiles at me.  ;)  She will start the cry eventually if I don't go in.  I don't know if I should just ignore her or what?  I go in right away b/c I don't want her to get upset b/c then it is harder to calm her down.  Last night she had me up every hour.  :o  I feed her at 11:30 hoping it was maybe hunger but that didn't make a difference.   

I am trying to get her reflux symptoms under control she has been wonderful except she is still crying during feedings.  But I don't think that the reflux is waking her at night b/c she seems pretty content. 

I even tried the sleep positioner but she rolled over in this.  ::)   If anyone has any advice, I should could use it.  I really need a good nights sleep.
Jackie 3/10/01
Payton 9/23/03

Offline Janet

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2006, 02:19:21 am »
I definitely feel for you! Fortunately Julia has been making it thru the night, only one wake up so far. And there she was, wailing b/c she was on her back. She still hasn't figured out to get back to her stomach. Like yours, Julia has reflux, so she has slept on her tummy since way way early. Are you giving her anything for the reflux? Julia takes zantac twice a day and soy formula. We tried a sleep positioner, but it didn't help much. And now that she's moving around in her sleep FORGET IT!

I think I freak out whenever we go thru sleep issues b/c my 4 yr old was never (okay, still isn't) a great sleeper. So I panic and think this one will be the same. Naps are our biggest problem. I put her into bed on her tummy and she flips right over onto her back. With a big smile and wiggle.  ::)
So I roll her back onto her tummy, and she flips... and this is how it goes. If I put my hand on her back to try to keep her there she flips out and starts screaming. She's never been a crier. And then on the days when her naps are short or one is completely missed, then she's a mess by bedtime. Or else she falls asleep with her bottle and ends up asleep before I can get her into bed. I'm hoping it's a phase... but I'm also scared we're getting into a bad routine of cuddling to sleep with a bottle. Eeek.

Hope you get some rest... I'm hoping for some daytime sanity....

Offline motherof3

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Re: rolling over affecting naps
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2006, 12:27:23 pm »
Abby is on Prevacid and Nutramigen.  But today were are trying a switch to Neocate b/c she is still fussy/crying during feeds.  This is the only thing that still bothers her.  I think she needs a higher dose of Prevacid but her GI won't increase it and wants to try Neocate.   I have been giving her oatmeal before her bottles, this has really decreased the amount she spits.  So last night I didn't give her any before bed and she only woke up once last night.  :)  Maybe this was bothering her.  Will see how it goes tonight, I hope it wasn't just a fluke. ;) 
Jackie 3/10/01
Payton 9/23/03