We have always had trouble with naps, but lately we have been getting some 1.5 hour naps in the morning and for the second nap (sometimes the second nap will be 2 hours) My 16 week twin boys, however, have for the past 4 days been scrapping their late afternoon nap. Whereas I used to be able to sometimes extend this nap to at least an hour or 1.5 hours, now it's good if we can get them to 45 minutes, and then BAM - they're up and there's nothing I can do about it. They'll either cry until I pick them up, and will be looking at me with these SUPER wide awake eyes. The trouble is, they're up from this nap anywhere between 3:15 and 4, and they cannot make it to their bathtimes at 6:00 and bed by 7:00. Today, I tried to give them another catnap at 5:00 and it kinda worked for Matt, but I had to do pu/pd with Luke for 30 minutes, and then he only slept 10 minutes. I'm worried that skipping that late afternoon nap will have repercussions at night time. Last night, Matt slept as usual (woke a few times, easily went back to sleep with the paci, but started fussing around 5 or so until we got up at 6:45). Luke, however, was a real mess; he fussed A LOT last night, much more than usual. Is it reasonable for 4 month olds to sleep a total of only about 4 hours worth of naps?
We also have just started extending towards 3.5 EASY, so maybe that's what's causing all this mess? They can't really keep up with the A time of 3.5 EASY, but they are not really hungry at 3 hours... I think I need help with this. The most they can stay up is max 1.5 hours, with a very occasional 2 hours every once in a while. I try not to put them down when they are overtired and we keep most activities pretty tame.
Oh, and WTS is really hit and miss with us, too. I read earlier in this thread that it doesn't work with paci babies? Can anyone explain why? For WTS, I try to go in around 35 minutes and it has worked for us a few times, although we just started this past week.