Author Topic: 9 month old, need some fine tuning!  (Read 1154 times)

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9 month old, need some fine tuning!
« on: September 10, 2006, 14:22:25 pm »
My LO has been on EASY since we brought him home from the hospital. With the exception of a 2 month stretch this summer, he's been a pretty good sleeper, waking only once a night for a "paci-reset" and on a great routine.

In July, DH and I went away for a long weekend, and my MIL stayed with DS. Everything fell apart - that separation coupled with crawling, 4 new teeth and back-to-back vacations in the month of August led to a horrible situation with wakings every 1.5 hours...DS in our bed...a try at CIO, you name it. It was really horrible.

Long story short, we're back on track by using a combination of BW techniques and some of the tips and strategies from Elizabeth Pantley's book.

My question is this: every night, LO wakes up at 11:30 for a "paci-reset" and then at 4:45 am for a 7oz bottle, he then goes back to sleep until 7:00 or so. Don't get me wrong, I'm SO ok with the 2 little wakings...compared with where we were just a few short weeks ago, but I'd like nothing more than for my DS to sleep from 7:30-6 without a peep, like he did before that fateful weekend in July  :P

Here are all the details:

4:45 am 7oz bottle and back to bed
7am wake for day sometimes 4 oz if seems hungry
8:15 breakfast
9 or 9:30 - 1.5-2 hour nap
11 (or whenever wakes) 7 oz bottle
12 or 1 (depending on am nap/bottle) lunch
2 - 1.5 hour nap
3:30 7 oz bottle
5 or 5:30 dinner
6:45 5 oz bottle
snuggle, rock, sing with mommy, blanket, teddy, and paci...(It's crowded in that rocker!)  ;)
7:30 asleep - in crib with eyes mostly open.

I don't really think that he's dependent on the paci, since he only wakes for it one time during the night. And I'm just not sure what to make of the 4:45 thing. the routine seems to be working for us...and after the hell we went through this summer, I'm hesitant to change too much ... but the prospect of a real, live, full night's sleep is SO tempting!! Possible he might be trying to drop that AM nap? Thoughts? Thanks!!!

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Offline MDHmommy

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Re: 9 month old, need some fine tuning!
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2006, 14:25:43 pm »
Oh, I should have mentioned, when he wakes at 11:30 he's not really awake, but he fusses a bit, and sits up in his crib. If you get in there fast enough, you can reset the paci, and lie him back down and he drifts right off. If you don't get there fast enough, it can take an hour to get him back down, he just lies there and stares at you - but if you leave he cries.

At 4:45 it's a full cry, but he goes RIGHT to sleep after the bottle, which he chugs like a frat boy!! :)
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Re: 9 month old, need some fine tuning!
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2006, 19:27:57 pm »
I'm thinking that the paci is a prop. Have you considered getting rid of it?
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Re: 9 month old, need some fine tuning!
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2006, 23:34:14 pm »
I've thought of it...but the thing is, I'm not sure it's really a prop. He only wakes for it once a night, it's not as if he's waking for it during every sleep cycle - he's sleeping from 7:30 until 11:30 and then 11:30 until 4:45.

Pantley has a "gentle removal plan" for props, which I like, it's just a lot of work. You have to watch and take the paci away as soon as they drift off. With the sun setting earlier and earlier, that's getting kind of hard to do!! :)

The strange thing is that he wakes at the same exact time every night. What are your thoughts on WTS? I've tried that once before (we had about 4 like-clockwork wakings going there while we were getting things straightened out during teething and our nightmare summer....) and it worked for a few nights, but it seems that those 4 have just turned to 2 and moved their times!

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Re: 9 month old, need some fine tuning!
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2006, 16:10:09 pm »
Hmmm. Perhaps it's not a prop then. It's hard to be sure if he wakes for it once then I could see it being either way, KWIM?

If he's waking at the same times, then definitely give W2S a go. You may need to do it longer than the 3 days recommended, but you have nothing to lose right??  ;D
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Offline MDHmommy

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Re: 9 month old, need some fine tuning!
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2006, 12:34:00 pm »
I've got an update!

We tried W2S last night for the 11:30 wake up (one thing at a time!) and it kind of worked...DS slept through 'till 1am...but then it took me 40 minutes to get him back down. I didn't feed him though, so that's progress. Just wrapped up in cozy blanket and rocked and sang (I know, I know....but that's a Pantley thing, I've been using things from each book...)

After that, he slept through till 6:00! He made a couple of peeps between 1:40 and 6:00, but nothing that required us to go to him...Pretty good! :)

How long do you think that I should keep doing W2S? 3 days total and then see what happens? Or, should I keep at it for a few more days to make sure it "takes?"

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Re: 9 month old, need some fine tuning!
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2006, 16:07:35 pm »
W2S takes at least 3 days to "take" but sometimes, depending on the LO, it can take longer. You could do it for three days and see what happens, and then continue if needed. Or, you could just do it for a week. Whatever you feel best about!
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o