Ok, I've run out of ideas and nothing seems to help. My boy has taken 30 min naps from about 3/4 weeks, he's now 7.5 weeks old and we're both suffering from them. He's tired and cross, falling asleep on feeds , crying....I'm just tired and mostly worried for him, its like he tries so hard to get back to sleep but just cant.
I've tried
W2S...no success at all;
dummy...v occasionally keeps him content(until it falls out) but not asleep
shush/pat.....makes him crazy, seems to stimulate him more and upset him (funny cos its so effective other times)
lifting him and holding him till he sleeps .....dozes until I put him down
not lifting him.....goes crazy
white noise....like dummy it will occassionally keep him quiet in crib but not asleep
waiting till he cries before I go to him or going when he stirs but before he cries seem to make no difference
.....I don't know what else to try and I cant help but think not having a consistent response to help him get back to sleep isnt good for him either
... Anyway I'd really love if anyone has any ideas. I know loads of people have this problem but everyone else seems to have 45 min nappers and I've a consistent 30 min one!
I've sat with him through many naps and 30 mins in he gets the biggest jolts through his little body and then he begins to toss and turn and the jolts keep coming until he wakes fully crying or I pick him up.
It seems to be affecting him more and more, he is obviously still tired when he wakes and its harder and harder to stick to his 3 hour EASY schedule.....if he's awake 1 hour before his feed, he's ready to sleep when he gets the feed....
What I really don't understand is why when I put him down at 7:30 for the night, he sleeps fine....gets a dream feed at 11 and then wakes mid night for a feed. Why can he stay asleep at that time and not when I put him down at say 5:30?!!!
I'd really really appreciate any advice... I just don't know what to do and how to help him get back to sleep and that's upsetting me more than anything. Thanks.