Author Topic: Help, Help, Help  (Read 830 times)

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Offline Coliedy

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Help, Help, Help
« on: September 07, 2006, 13:59:59 pm »
Help!!!  I don't know if anyone has watched the national news this week, but we live in Rockford, IL and our house was flooded and we can't stay there for God knows how long.  We are all living with my parents at the moment, but our ds can't sleep at all.  I have gone back to the house and got his crib, nightlight, and crib toys trying to help him.  He has no schedule at the moment due to us trying to save our house and the things in it.  I feel terrible having  to leave him all day (I'm a stay at home mom) with my parents, but he can't go with due to e coli. and the dirt in general (It makes it hard to breath).  I don't know what else I can do to help him at the moment.  Has anyone else had this problem when they moved or a problem in general like this?  If so what did you do to helpour lo.  Or if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Offline Missy Lou

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Re: Help, Help, Help
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2006, 01:44:20 am »
I am so sorry for what has happened.  i live in south louisiana and it sounds like what happened twice down here last year.

first, don't feel guilty.  i'm sure it's hard to leave him during the day but he's with your parents so he is well taken care of and loved.  also, like you said, it's for his health. 

he is uncomfortable at your parents' house, even in his crib?  if it's been a big ordeal (which i'm sure it has been), this could also be a reason for lo not being comfortable.  i'm sure that he feels the stress going on plus he's in a new house.  this may  not be very helpful but i would try my best to not stress out right now.  i would assume that since you've stayed home with him, he's very close to you and if you feel stressed out about the house plus the fact that you feel guilty about leaving him during the day, he's going to mirror your emotions.

i don't have any suggestions besides trying to control your own emotions  as much as you can at such a hard time.  you have a safe place to stay and grandparents who love him and can care for him while you get your house taken care of.  you may need to go back to the sleep training techniques you used when he was younger to help settle him at naps and bed. 

i'll be thinking about you guys.  :-*

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Re: Help, Help, Help
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2006, 01:53:12 am »
Hi there!

  I am so sorry you are going through such a rough time w/ the flooding and all. I am sure your son will be just fine. You are doing the smart thing by leaving him w/ his grandparents while you are handling things w/ your home.  Your son may have a rough time at first but I am sure once you get the everything temporarily set up that he will adjust just fine. Just do the best you can to make him comfortable and I am sure he will adapt just fine. Our lo's seem to be so resilient!  He is going to feel the love from his family and that (along w/ food and shelter) is ALL he needs!  You are stressed enough trying to take care of your home. Try not to stress too much about his routine. It will all work out!

Sending big hugs to you and your family during this rough time!  :-*
