Hi, my dd is almost 9 months old and for the past 2 weeks or so we've dropped the catnap and it's going well. But now I'm having a bit of a problem figuring out her second nap. Here's her schedule:
7:15am wake and 8oz bottle (actually awake since about 6:30am usually but plays happily till mummy gets her at 7am
9:15 - 11am nap (goes to sleep easily, wakes 45 mins in but puts herself back to sleep)
11:30am 8oz bottle
2 -
3:30 8oz bottle
5pm try solids
6pm bath
6:15pm 8oz bottle
6:45-7pm bed
I do try solids around noon and breakfast around 8:30am also, but she's really not that interested in solids at all so I can't really say she's eating them. Her first nap is great, she's going almost 2 hours, but the second one is so unpredictable. I tried putting her down around 1:30pm for a while, but she will often roll around for ages and then only get 45 mins at best. So now I'm trying 2pm but today she's been rolling around for the past 45 mins! She's happy in her crib, but not sleeping
Also she doesn't always drink the whole 8oz bottle at 6:15pm, usually she gets about 4-6 oz. She sleeps through the night great, but sometimes I have a little trouble at bedtime because if she gets an awful second nap then she's overtired at bed time.
Do you think I should try her at 2:30pm for this second nap? Is this too late? What are typical nap times for a 9 month old, any suggestions?