How old is your LO, and how often do you take your LO to the park? How long do you stay at the park?
We don't go often. It's either not the right time for her (eating-wise, nap-wise, mood-wise), or the weather is just not right. We tried going early in the morning once and since the park is shaded by trees, every surface was still wet. That wasn't fun. Couldn't play on the wet slide, sit on the seesaw-ish thing, etc. Midday is sometimes too sunny/hot, and way too crowded with slightly older kids who are oblivious to the really young ones who can easily get "run over" by them or hurt/hit by the older kids' "wild" playing style. Afternoon sometimes too cold/windy. I probably should take her to the park more often though. Whenever we go, we usually stay about an hour.