Hi Lisa--
Anyway, there are 3 Baby whisperer books:
Secrets of the Baby WhispererSecrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers (one you don't need quite yet)
The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your ProblemsThe third one has lots of specific information, more detailed than the first. If you're trying to find more details, it's not a bad place to look.
As far as awake time, how long is he awake for? What does your daily schedule look like right now?
At that age, babies are attracted to TV more because of the light than anything else. I found when my DD was that age, she would get overstimulated because I would try to do too many different things with her during her A time. Then I would end up with a baby that couldn't go to sleep because she was too overstimulated. She did much better when I kept things low-key, like having her look out the window or watch what I was doing. What makes you think that he is overstimulated?
You also might want to check out this link as it has sample EASY schedules for babies that are a similar age to yours. I always found that by looking at what other people were doing, it helped me figure out what to change.