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Offline NolaFae

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crying at night
« on: October 10, 2006, 15:00:27 pm »
Hi there,

Our 5 month old daughter is suddenly crying in her sleep at night. Three nights ago this started and happened every night. She always woke up a few times at night because she wanted her pacifyer, when this happened we gave it and she fell straight back to sleep.

During the day there is no problem, she never was a good sleeper, taking 45 minute naps. Since a few weeks she is managing to sleep for 1,5 and sometimes even 2hrs during the day.

She is on a 4 hour EASY.... as good as. And she started eating cooked and blended carrots, green beans, applesauce etc.
She goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30 and lately has no problem falling asleep. But for some reason she is now waking up (up to) 8 times an hour crying and fussing. Sometimes the crying is soo intense that we have to take her out to comfort her (she usually doesnt wake up for this).

Does anyone have an idea? Could it be from the food she gets? teeth?


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Re: crying at night
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2006, 15:12:34 pm »
It could be from the food.  What time of day are you giving her the solids?  Often when babies are just starting out, veggies (and new foods) can cause gas, so it is best to give the new foods in the morning.  Do you mix the carrots, green beans, and applesauce all together?  You might try separating them out to see if that helps.  Do you think she might be teething?  If so, that can cause sleep disruptions.  Is she crying out soon after bed or is it all throughout the night?  Could you post your routine?
Stephanie- mom to Caleb and baby boy #2 due July 4, 2008

Offline TJ & Stephy's Mommy

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Re: crying at night
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2006, 02:43:20 am »
Hi NolaFae,

When you say that your LO wakes up about 8 times an hour do you mean right after she falls asleep or or in the middle of the night?  Is she waking up at the same time every night? 

If she is waking up in the middle of the night, it could be alot of things.  Sometimes it could be a developmental milestone which could cause them to be overstimulated and not sleep well at night.  Teething could be another possibility if her gums are hurting her you could give some Baby Tylenol (Motrin when she is over 6 months) or the teething gels.  Do her gums look swollen?  You may not necessarily see the teeth cut the gums yet but her gums maybe hurting her.  If your LO is waking up at the same time every night, then it could be habitual nightwaking, you could try the wake to sleep technique to get rid of the night waking.

Maybe it is too soon for your LO to handle solids?  It could be causing her to not feel well.  Besides the introduction of solids, has there been anything different or new going on with your LO?