since I am now in the same proccess.. my son is 13 weeks old- first, I would recommend to satrt now and NOT give up! I wish I did start earlier....
any way, my son cries as well sometimes hystericaly and I am on the verge of picking him up and then all of the soden- he quiets down and falls asleep!
as told to me on this web, you should give it 40 minutes (but sometimes I see that he is almost asllep, even thought still crancky so I give it little more time- trust your motherly instict) then you pick him up, feed him and do it all over again... I had one morning that he did not fall asleep for 2 times!! that was VERY frustrating.
aslo, some one else toldme she put a note next to hte bed for her self not to give up...
hang in there. I hope I will too! it isnot easy but I am craving the day, I will just say goodnight and he will put him self to sleep!