Unfortunetely for us it is just getting worse. We haven't even really tried to start pushing her nap time and bed time back (maybe 15 minutes or so) but she has started NOT NAPPING all together! We have had a few transitions lately (she has a new nanny since our au pair left) so I know that plays into it, but I can't believe she has just stopped napping all together the past few days (both for me one day and the nanny the other two). Still waking from 5:10-5:40. Sometimes at night now she is taking up to an hour and 45 minutes to go to sleep, which she never did before. Now I just want her to sleep, I don't care when she gets up!
I am hoping to try tweaking her schedule again once she is back to her old schedule (I hope). It's so horrible her not sleeping at all during the day. Does anyone have any advice on that one? She just stands up in her crib and screams "Lucy want to come out now! Lucy want to come out now! All done with sleeping!" We go in and do the same things we have always done, tell her "night night" time, never pick her up but just verbally comfort her, and she just isn't going back to sleep. It's torture.
Anyone have any words of advice (or hope)?
Deb (mom to Lucy, 22 months)