Author Topic: night wake or early wake?  (Read 995 times)

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Offline brightside

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night wake or early wake?
« on: November 15, 2006, 17:38:47 pm »
Yesterday went like this, which is a fairly typical day:

7am wake 8oz bottle
breakfast-weetabix and toast
9.30-11 nap
11-pureed fruit snack
12 lunch-eg chicken casserole and dessert
2.30 4oz bottle
2.45-4 nap
4pm dinner eg vegetable pasta and a yogurt
6.30pm 8oz bottle
7.30 bed

wakes 5am! chats, moans, quiet, moans
At 6am I feed him and then he goes back to sleep and we have to wake him at 7.30am because we have to go to work.

1. Is this 5am wake an early wake or like a night wake? How should I treat it?
2. Was I right to wait to feed him till 6am or should I have fed when he first woke? Or later? I didn't leave him crying by the way-he just whinged and when it escalated I then fed him
3. Should I have done PU/PD?

We haven't had many nights where DS has slept through for AGES. He once used to sleep 11-12 hours at night but with several ear infections, teething etc, we have had quite a few nights where he has woken in the  night and then slept till 6.30 ish. When he does sleep through, he seems to wake ridiculously early. Any thoughts? Thanks
« Last Edit: November 15, 2006, 20:07:42 pm by brightside »
Cath, 33

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Offline brightside

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Re: night wake or early wake?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2006, 20:20:22 pm »
Thanks Stacy. Have just modified my post to add the 2nd nap in and more detail about food.

I was giving him an 8oz bottle at 2pm of which he would take about 6oz but then wouldn't have much at dinner. So in the last week I  have reduced the bottle to 4oz and he has now been having a bit more at dinner.

As for the snack before bed I don't think that would work because it takes most of the hour before bed to get him to have the full 8oz bottle. The odd occasion when I have put a snack inbetween dinner and the bottle he has taken less milk or been sick from overeating.

I do think you might be right about him being hungry on this occasion but I'm really struggling to get him to eat more. The other nights when he has woken in the middle of the night (usually ear infection or teething), he manages to sleep until 6.30 or 7 so I don't know why he can sleep until that time on those occasions without being hungry but when he doesn't wake in the night, wakes so early.  ::)

Could overtiredness at bedtime cause early wakes? He did shout out a couple of times in the night but went straight back to sleep. Just wondering whether 7pm might have been better to go to bed? He had only woken at 4pm but 2 nights before had been awake for 4 hours in the night with bad ear infection-maybe he was still catching up from that?
Cath, 33

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Offline brightside

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Re: night wake or early wake?
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2006, 06:22:53 am »
That's one of the reasons I cut the 2pm bottle a bit so that he would take more solids but  I'm now thinking its causing him to wake early, hungry. He's just done it again today. The hard thing is that he is at daycare 3 days a week so its really difficult to control his eating and his sleep on those days. He often only has an hour total there and I think the overtiredness builds up over those 3 days. I could give him a snack when he gets home but he quite often has a short nap because he hasn't slept well there.  :( Then its time for bath, bottle and bed.

Since starting daycare we haven't had many good nights sleep. Sometimes its overtiredness, sometimes its illness (catches everything going there!) and then teething is thrown in the mix too! He's also had 5 ear infections in 5 months and they are so hard to spot and it takes a while to get back on track.

Thanks for your help.
He can normally go about 3.5-4 hours between naps but if he's had a rough night then he needs that first nap earlier.

Today, because he is at daycare, I have given him a full bottle for his 2pm bottle and will try to give him a snack when I pick him up too. Will see if that makes any difference.
Cath, 33

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