Author Topic: Trouble sticking to EASY  (Read 757 times)

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Offline Maverick

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Trouble sticking to EASY
« on: November 21, 2006, 19:04:07 pm »
Hello -- I'm new to the board.  I've read BW and have tried applying the principles since day 1.  My son is now 5.5 weeks old.  I've read through the topics and haven't seen direct answers to these questions...or couldn't find them if they are there!

1.  Maintaining E/A/S cycle -- I've repeatedly had trouble getting DS to stay in this order; sometimes he gets so sleepy when eating (currently 4 oz of formula, 6-7 times per day) and no matter what I do, he falls asleep.  He then either sleeps continually until the next feed, which I think is making him fussy in the evenings (when he doesn't want to nap at all) or wakes up after an hour or so, even if he's not hungry.  So he gets himself into a E/S/A cycle and I don't know how to fix it!  At other times, he's so fussy he won't nap more than 30-40 minutes no matter what I do.  Any suggestions??

2.  How can I start getting him on a schedule?  I try to stick to feeding about every 3 hours, but the hours he sleeps at night is erratic so he never starts the day at the same time.  I've found that he does best when he has his last feeding of the evening at around 10:15/10:30, but sometimes that can fall right in the middle of a feeding cycle.  And I sometimes let him go 3.5-4 hours until next feed if he's sleeping soundly...should I not?  It always seems that if I wake him to feed him, he falls back to sleep during feeding...

3.  As I said, he gets fussy in the evenings and refuses to nap, even though he seems tired.  I just wonder if the morning sleep is affecting this.  The last two nights I've given up on pu/pd and/or sh/pat after about an hour and just bring him into the family room with us until the next feeding.

4.  I've considering starting cluster feeding, but again, can't seem to figure out how to get that on a regular schedule since the earlier part of the day varies so much.  If it does happen to fall in schedule, do they nap at all during these times?  Seems like by the time he eats and is up for a bit, it would be getting close to the next feeding...if he naps, would you wake him up? 

5.  Lastly, any tips on burping?  I have the hardest time burping DS.  I try sitting on the knee and over my shoulder but often can't get anything out of him and I wonder if this is leading to some of his gassiness later. 

I've posted the last two days' schedules throught today so you can get an idea of the routine he's on (or lack thereof).  The late evening feeding usually relaxes him enough to just put him down.  Keep in mind that at night he'll sleep in stretches anywhere from 3 hours to 7 hours (rare as they are, I love those 6-7 hour nights!)Thanks in advance for any advice!!

Starting with late evening feed...

F - 10:45 pm
S - 11:10 pm

F - 2:30 am
S - 2:50 am

F - 6:30 am
S - 6:50 am (would consider making this morning wake time, but he falls asleep during feeding)

F - 9:45 am
S - 10:50 am -- only napped about 40 minutes and wouldn't go back to sleep; then was awake until next feed

F - 12:45 pm
S - 2:00 pm -- only slept about 30 minutes; finally picked him up and put him in infant seat where he fell asleep for another 30-40 minutes

F - 4:30 pm
S - 5:15 pm

F - 7:45 pm
S - 8:45 pm -- regularly fussy time of night; slept 30-40 minutes max

F - 10:10 pm
S - 10:30 pm (got drowsy during feeding)

F - 4:20 am
S - 4:45 am

F - 7:30 am
S - 8:00 am (I tried to keep him awake but he wouldn't)

F - 10:30 am
S - 11:45 am (spotty napping; maybe 1 hour total)

F - 1:30 pm
S - 2:15 pm (it was all I could do to keep him awake for that additional 15 min after feeding; then he woke up often so it was spotty napping until next feed)

F - 4:30 pm
S - 5:40 pm (napped for 1 hour then awake until next feeding)

F - 7:30 pm
S - 8:30 pm (catnapped only)

F - 10:30 pm
S - 11:00 pm

F - 5:30 am
S - 5:50 am

F - 8:50 am
S - 9:30 am (it was all I could do to keep him awake for 15 minutes after feeding)

F - 12:30 pm (I had to wake him for this feeding)
S - 1:10 pm (I just couldn't keep him awake no matter what I has been over an hour and he's still sleeping.  Basically, he has been asleep ALL DAY). 

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Re: Trouble sticking to EASY
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2006, 19:41:54 pm »
firstly Maverick, welcome to these great boards, so many people are so prepared to share their tips but don't get frustrated if it doesn't come together straight away, we're all still having issues!!

I can't answer or give tips on all you've written but i'll try....just a few questions. Personally, i would start by breaking the day down.  Wake your lo at 7am consistently for a few days to feed and to start the day.

How long does it take for him to take the 4oz?

When he starts to fall asleep do you sit him up to rouse him and try winding him but not patting him so that he falls back to sleep?

do you swaddle?

do you do a bedtime routine e.g bath?

re burping...(this is hard to explain) when sitting on your knee, have you tried rocking him backwards and forwards whilst intermittantly patting the left side of his back?

Debbie x

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Re: Trouble sticking to EASY
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2006, 19:50:02 pm »
hellO! welcome! and congrats on ur new baby
First off well done for starting EASY so young but please remeber that your LO is tiny and its very hard to stick to the EASY at this age, it will ahppen on its own later if u stick with it. Its very normal for this age.
Secondly, many babies are fussy in the evenings, sometimes peds refer to this as colic but it can be many things, overtired etc.

Looking at your routine, it does seem like u need to stretch those naps a bit, have u tried shh patting back to sleep when LO wakes early from a nap? or if he is consistantly waking after say 30min u may want to try w2s.

Cluster feeding: very effective altho ur LO does go a good stretch in the night so congrats on that!