My son has been sleeping through the night since he was 5 mos old. His naps have been consistent. For the past couple of weeks, he wakes up crying. The crying would be brief and if I leave him alone, he finds his way back to sleep. Prior to this, he wakes up jabbering in a good mood. When this occurs, I know he is well rested. When he wakes up crying, I know he's still tired. He still sleeps through the night but instead of waking up at 7am like he used to (happy and jabbering), he's now waking up at 5am crying, falls back asleep and wakes up at 6am crying. During his naps, he would wake up at least once crying and falls back asleep. In other posts I've read, there was some thought of possible ear infection. If my DS does have an ear infection, would he be able to fall back asleep after waking up crying? He has another tooth coming in so it's possible that he's teething. What baffles me is that he wakes up every morning at 5am crying, like clockwork. My question is why is he waking up crying? His schedule hasn't changed at all. Could this be a phase at his age? His routine is like this:
- 5am wake / cry / falls asleep
- 6am wake / cry
- 6:30am - breakfast
- 9:30am - morning snack
- 11:30am - lunch
- 12:00pm - nap (1hr - 1.5hrs)
- 3pm - afternoon snack
- 5pm - dinner
- 7:30pm - bedtime routine
- 8pm - bedtime