Thanks for the quick response. First off, he is on Prevacid since last Monday for reflux. Yes, I think part of the wind down part is due to the reflux and gas etc... I have a call into my pediatrician about more meds possibly. But here is my idea of a normal day:
Breastfed (about every 3 hours amybe somed ays 2 1/2
E-about 7/8 am and he usually falls asleep again at the breast and sleeps a few hours. Maybe this is wrong and I should wake him???
E- 11 ish
A- until about 12:30
S- what sleep?? He will maybe doze off and on until next feed, then I usually end up feeding him sooner because he is such a grump!
E- 2
A- No activity since he usually falls asleep at the breast since he did not sleep prior!
S- usually until next feed
A-again about 1 1/2 hours
S- no real sleep just cat naps in bouncy seat since it is best for reflux position
E- 8 ish
A- will sometimes fall asleep at breast and stay asleep, but lately will fall asleep then wake up when I move him to his bed, sometimes I just keep him in my bed. I know bad idea! But we all need sleep! Or he will sleep on my husbands chest while he watches tv until the next feed.
E- 11
E- 2
E- 5
Then start the day again! Should I be starting a dream feed or is it too soon? My dd slept through the night at 6 weeks and had reflux too!
I usually will put my ds in his bouncy/vibrating seat when he gets tired during the day, or I hold him or rock him, but it is hard with an almost 3 year old running around too! I do admit when he falls asleep at the breast we are usually in my bed and I just let him nap there. Okay tell me all of the things I am doing wrong! lol But please give me some advice in return!