Hi there,
My LO is 10 1/2wks old and up till this last week he'd been on 3 hr EASY no problem. It looked like this:-
7am wake & E BF
7.30 - 8.30 = A
8.30-10.00 = S
10.00 = E BF
10.30-11.30/12 = A
11.30/12 - 1pm = S (although sometimes he wouldn't always go full 1 1/2 hrs, but I would always feed at 1pm)
1pm = E BF
1.30-2.30/3pm = A
2.30/3pm - 4pm = S (same as above, not always for full time, but he would not feed until 4pm)
4pm = E BF
4-5pm = A
5-6pm = cat nap sometimes
6pm - E BF
7pm - begin bedtime routine
8pm = E BF
11pm = DF
3/4am = E BF
Now he has started waking early, and not waking tired but bright eyed and bushy tailed!!! No way that PU/PD OR shh/pat will work, he's raring to go!!!! I manage to pacify him till the next feed time, but now he's started getting grizzly & I wonder if it's due to hunger and he's having a growth spurt a bit early?
I make sure I offer both breasts at each feeding, but he'll generally be done in around 10-15mins and then just has the odd glup or two, not properly feed, so I figure he's getting enough to see him through to the next feed time.
Take today - he woke at 7am, fed, and then was dropping off to sleep at 8am, so by 8.20 I put him down. 9.10 he wakes and is wide awake so I get him up and he's fine till 9.50am, so I feed him at 10am, but after the feed he's already been awake for 1 hour, so for him now to go till 11.30am (when he would normally nap)would be 2 1/2 hrs awake, which I don't think he'll do.
I'm not sure if anyone is following my thoughts above!! It's so annoying though as before I knew where I was with his sleeps, but now he could well wake up anytime and want to play!! Then he'll end up falling asleep so quick after a feed, as he's already been up for 1 hr beforehand, and the whole routine goes out of the window.
Yesterday I took him for a walk in his pram as that normally always gets him to sleep for ages, but he only slept for about 1 hour again, not the 1 1/2hrs which was annoying as he hadn't slept well in the morning again & I figured he'd be tired. He got very fussy again though and wouldn't sleep.
Thanks for reading this for & helping if you can.