My DS is 3 months and 1 week old. We are now on a 4hr EASY as his feeds are much better this way.
I have a few questions...
1) should I be trying to extend the A time? He can usually only handle about 1hr 15mins, I've tried longer but have then found that its very difficult to get him settled again when he wakes at 45 mins. If I start the wind down just after 1hr he goes down very easily and has a much better nap.
2) how long should they nap for? He usually has a 2hr nap in the morning (he would sleep longer if I let him) and sometimes has a 2hr nap in the afternoon then may cat nap, may not after that but if he doesn't cat nap he's not too happy by bedtime!! Should I let him sleep longer in the AM if he wants to?
3) When he wakes up at 45 mins, it can take me 20-30mins of shh/pat to get him back to sleep... is this ok, can shh/pat become a prop?
Our routine looks like this
E 7am
S 8:15 (will go 2 hrs or more if I let him, still has difficulty getting past 45 mins on some days...needs alot of shh/pat but will fall back asleep eventually!).
E 11am
S 12-12:15
E 3pm
S 4:15 cat naps only if we're lucky
A start bedtime routine around 6pm (pj's, massage, story time)
E 7:00
S 7:30
DF 10:30, will then sleep until the morning (may wake up a couple times shh/pat back to sleep pretty easily)