I hope you don't mind I have a friend who doesn't have internet access and is having some sleep issues. I have nothing else to offer her and so I thought of you girls (who have always helped me!)
Her daughter is 11 months old and has always been an erratic sleeper.
Here is her daily schedule now.
This varies a little day by day:
7:30 am wake
8:00 am 6 oz formula (usually drinks about 4-6 oz)
8:30 am breakfast:
Handful of freeze dried fruit (that sounds gross!!) while her bread is toasting. 2 slices of 12 grain bread toasted with butter. 1 container of unsweetened fruity apple sauce. Water.
10:30 am nap
12:30 wake
1:00 pm lunch:
handful of goldfish or 5 veggie thins. Handful of peas and carrots. I slice of a meat; or 2 egg yolks, boiled. Or a grilled cheese sandwich - minus the goldfish or crackers if we do this. Water.
1:30 ish I give her a 7 oz bottle which she drinks whenever she feels like it. I leave it for her to pick up and drink when she wants it. It's so cute when she feeds herself her bottle
If she has an afternoon nap:
3:00 pm snack:
Minigo, or yogurt, or 1 container of unsweetened fruity apple sauce.
3:30 pm nap
No nap:
3:30 pm snack:
Minigo, or yogurt, or 1 container of unsweetened fruity apple sauce.
5:00 pm dinner:
Handful of peas, handful of cheese, and a meat (chicken, beef, or turkey); about 1/2 a breast size. If she had grilled cheese for lunch she doesn't get cheese for dinner, she gets another veggie. Water. Sometimes she also wants a bit of
unsweetened fruity apple sauce.
5:50 pm BE DVD
6:20 pm bath
6:45 pm 6 oz bottle (which she devours)
7:00 pm bed
She is waking up in the night, not for food. She can't seem to settle unless the mum goes into the room. Last night out of desperation the mum let the baby CIO-didn't take longer than 5 minutes (which seemed to work) but the baby still woke up more than a few times. If the baby sleep through the night, she's generally up for sure between 5-6:30 before going back down unil 7:30. Durring the day the mom is finding her more "clingy" and demanding of attention-even when in the same room. She is in the process of various developements (walking, more verbal) and is certainly teething (although that's been going on since 4 mths and still only two teeth)
Any adcive or suggestions would be soooooo much appreciated!