My son has been on mostly one nap since 14 months old. When he went through a couple growth spirts, car trips, and colds he had 2 naps but other then that 1.
He was doing really well and was sleeing 11.5 hours at night (sometimes he wakes 1-4x a night but mostly puts himself back to sleep) and taking a 2 hour nap.
He got a cold the day after Christmas and then a few days after he started shortening his nap to1.5 hours. I know he's not ready to wake up because all he wants to do is sit and rock for up to 10 min afterwords. He is still sick and now getting molars.
I do not have the Toddler book and am planning on going and checking it out at the library but in the mean time is there any thing I can do to lengthen his nap bck to 2 hours? I use that time to work at home and that extra 30min is precious for my income. Plus everywhere I've looked it says he needs 13.5 hours of sleep a day. Right now he is getting 13. I know this isn't bad but the fact that 2 weeks ago he was getting that extra 30 min and was much nicer to be around tells me alot.
Any advice would be helpful thanks!