Author Topic: Hungry Baby milk vs follow on milk whilst weaning.  (Read 2091 times)

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Offline londonlady

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Hungry Baby milk vs follow on milk whilst weaning.
« on: January 01, 2007, 14:49:47 pm »

Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts about types of formula whilst introducing solids. My 7 month old son is not taking a great deal of solids (an ounce twice a day if I'm lucky.) I know it's early days, and I'm sure his teething and a cold are also a big factor, but I'm wondering if the amount of milk he is taking is also a problem?

I'm aware that milk is the main source of nutrition for them for some time yet, but DS is on hungry baby milk and takes around 32oz a day (since dropping the DF, it was previously about 36-38oz with the DF.)  He never cries for his bottle but always drains it or nearly drains it, and is showing so little interest in solids.  He sleeps through the night and naps fairly well so I know he is satisfied, but it's the lack of interest in the food that's concerning me as we introduced solids at about 4.5-5 months (big baby but we took it slow.)

Just wondering if we should begin to cut back the volume, or change to follow on milk (or back to normal formula?) in the hope that he'll be hungrier for solids. Am thinking about this for when he's over this latest bout of teething and the cold?

Would really appreciate your thoughts as my health visitors are worse than useless as they don't seem to advocate feeding "routines" and go for a "feed when your baby is screaming" approach...!  ::)

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Re: Hungry Baby milk vs follow on milk whilst weaning.
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2007, 15:06:13 pm »
Only my opinion but we also had Lucas on hungry baby milk from about 5 mths in vain attempt to stave off solids until 6 mths!! once we started him on solids we continued with hungry baby milk as, as you say, they don't really eat that much to begin with.  We have tried the follow on milk but Lucas seems to like the hungry baby one so we have decided to stick with it unless his formula intake becomes very low.  We found that once he became established on solids, he would take a little less milk (i still give formula first though as i found if i gave solids first he didn't take much milk).  We also eventually cut out DF and have most recently cut out one of daytime bottles so he has water with Lunch (only has bottle on waking, in afternoon and before bed now)
HTH :)
Emma T x

Offline londonlady

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Re: Hungry Baby milk vs follow on milk whilst weaning.
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2007, 18:52:52 pm »
Thanks for that.
Guess we'll just play things by ear til he is better again and go from there. He does seem to get on well with the hungry milk and from what I can gather there is no nutritional need to change to follow on.

I'm just going round in circles a bit with the weaning - hopefully we'll find our way soon!