My son is almost 4 months old and we are just starting the EASY routine. Up until now, he has been pretty good at sleeping for about 12 hours at night with 2 wakes to feed. I was bringing him into our bed after his early morning feed (5am ish) as he would have a hard time going back to sleep and it helped keep my sanity. I'm trying to break that bad habit now and teach him to get back to sleep on his own.
For his naps, I have rarely been successful at putting him in his bed to nap - as a result we got into the habit of napping in the swing in the kitchen, in the carseat while running errands, or in the baby carrier during our daily walk. He also has really short daytime naps (30-45 mins) unless he's in the carrier, where he'll sleep for an hour and a half or so if permitted. I'd like to teach him to nap in his bed during the day, but I still want to continue my daily walks. Is it bad if he sleeps in the carrier during my walks? Should I schedule my walk for a time when he's awake instead of a time near his nap? If he falls asleep in the carrier anyway, do I just count that as one of his naps and adjust the time of his next nap accordingly?
Thanks for your help!