I've been exending #2's pm nap by going in at 30mins (or so) and using w2s. It has been a wonderful success and she's been sleeping an av 1.5hrs. But I'm just curious how long will I have to do it before I know she'll be ok to go down for a full nap without my interference. Before x-mas I did it for about 3 days and then x-mas came along and new years and her naps went a bit funny with all the traveling to see the in-laws. Yesterday was our 1st day of getting back into normal routine, etc... and I did w2s again and today as well. The thing is, I am terrified everytime I do it and I just want to be at ease that she will sleep ok on her own so that i can possibly take a nap as well (since #1 is napping then as well). And I am really curious to know how is it that if we (mothers) interfere with their naps (by using w2s) for say 1 week it will make them sleep longer on their own? What is it that makes their bodies take longer naps? Sorry, very stupid question but just something that puzzles me.