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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #60 on: January 04, 2007, 22:09:57 pm »
HI Debbie
Im hoping your growling at the Drs and not us ::)

I always go with my gut feeling>i have made doctors give me specialists appointments despite them saying i dont need to.I know because I am the mommy.I go to the dr simply to rule out ear infections etc.The rest of the time i research the net, come on BW or ask others BUT i always go with my gut.The hard part is finding a solution.Thats when it can be hard to get help.However i am taking Jakob to the nautropath and osteopath.These people are always ready to help straight away.Thank goodness no big long waits for appointments.

So I am going down this path for now and hope over the next week or so to have some answers or least more of a clue to what is going on for Jakob.

I agree Debbie.....always go with your gut.Us mommies know our babies best.


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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #61 on: January 04, 2007, 22:40:48 pm »
Hi Kirsty and Debbie,

Debbie - I agree that mommies know best and should go with their gut. I know I want to pursue finding out what's wrong, but not sure what direction to take first. Allergies? Reflux? Something else?

Kirsty - how do you find a good naturopath? I hope I don't offend you or anyone else on this thread, but I've heard some of them can be quacks and/or just out to make a buck by selling supplements. How do you make sure they're respectable?

Mom to Carys Elizabeth (2/15/05) and Joshua August (8/16/07)

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #62 on: January 04, 2007, 23:02:52 pm »

I go by word of mouth.My naturopath has been seeing my parents for over 10 years now so thats enough proof thats shes no quack. My dad is very sceptical of the whole natural medicine area but after meeting this naturopath hes a changed man. There are defintely frauds out there so it pays to ask around.Perhaps if you go somewhere their are other moms,ask them.You will find someone who can give you some ideas.

Of course it always boils down to what you think when you meet them.I went to 2 osteopaths until i found one that my baby really bonded with and i felt good about.Look around,ask around that would be my advice.

Good luck and keep in touch


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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #63 on: January 05, 2007, 06:21:41 am »
totally agree with your comments. i remeber when sasha was unwell and i kept ringing our Drs asking for an appt.cos i wanted a sameday appt you get put through to a triag nurse. she asked is she teething.well yes she is but not normally this bad.oh just keep giving her calpol.
anyways ended up getting an out of hours appt through the NHS direct.turned out DD had an ear infection. Grrrrrrrrrrrr
We are our LOs Mummies.WE KNOW when something is wrong!!!

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #64 on: January 05, 2007, 13:39:43 pm »
I have a similar post about my dd who turned 1 and all hell broke loose. It has been over a month now and she is not sleeping at all. This past week has gotten worse with her waking up about 20 min after she goes down hysterically crying. I was wondering if this was night terrors because she is in a complete daze when we go in there. She was up last night at 8pm then 10 pm then 2 am and 4am. I was wondering about food allergies as well. I think that dairy might be bugging her but as many of you said your Dr just brushed you off. Mine is the same way. She said if there are no other symptoms during the day than it is not an allergy. Well I know that something is up. It doesn't make sense that I have this perfect sleeper literally and now she doesn't sleep at all.. desperate for sleep. I understand what you are going through. Take Care
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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #65 on: January 05, 2007, 16:10:14 pm »
Welcome Doj. I've been following your thread, too, and wish I could offer more advice/help. We don't have any experience with night terrors, so I don't have any advice to offer there.

Our night wakings have gotten better. Carys slept through the night last night except for one time she cried out, but was able to get back to sleep on her own. :) Much better. But...she's still only averaging about 9 hours of sleep at night. :( She went to bed later than normal last night (8pm) and woke at 5:15am. Yesterday was really bad trying to get her down for a nap - she kept screaming and screaming. I finally let her fall asleep on me in the rocking chair and she slept an hour and 45 min. - her previously normal nap length.

Sorrry - gotta go. Here she comes...
Mom to Carys Elizabeth (2/15/05) and Joshua August (8/16/07)

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #66 on: January 05, 2007, 16:28:02 pm »
Thanks Cary's mom. One thing is with my dd she is totally perfect during the day, goes down for naps is happy not cranky everything is fine even up to bedtime, but it all starts 20 min after going to bed and doesn't end till usually 5 am. It's just the strangest thing for because she was such a good sleeper before. DH is leaving the country for 2 weeks for work, really dreading it. My in-laws live in the same city and are helpful, but sometimes I wonder if they cause more unnecessary stress. LOL
dd starts daycare next week so this will probably open up a whole new slue of interesting obstacles.
Take Care
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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #67 on: January 05, 2007, 18:48:03 pm »
oh Kirsty.... i am so sorry, i did not mean to imply you mammies are at fault, my fury is directed at these docs.   I just get really cheesed off with some pead doctors who think they know everything because they learnt it from book and not from THE BEST SOURCE ever.... us mams, so forgive me  :-[  I know there are some fantastic kids docs out there so i don't wish to offend them either :-\ ::)

You know, i haven't even finished reading the last posts and something struck me.... here's another one of my stories... Please don't panic when i type the following but i so want to help with information sharing.  One of the girls i work with has a son who's 5ish and he was waking regularly thru the night and he has been diagnosed with a form of epilepsy... all he does is scream because he's having night terrors and doesn't really rememeber in the morning.  There are no other symptoms at all but he is unconsolable, he's had sleep studies done and they have actually put a name to it. i'll try and give her a call and find out what it's called if you think it will help?

Debbie x

Offline Doj

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #68 on: January 05, 2007, 19:44:37 pm »
sure anything will help. Things are just so weird with dd now compared to a month ago. I feel like I am dealing with another child.
On 3 occasions now after sleeping for 20 min she wakes up coughing and throws up everywhere. I thought maybe I was feeding her too much, but I offered her less than normal and still continued. I am not sure if this is some form of anxiety. DH just told me last night that as a kid he would sleepwalk so maybe night terrors, I don't know, but I am starting to become very concerned especially because I am at work all day and can't see what is going on.
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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #69 on: January 06, 2007, 03:15:57 am »

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #70 on: January 06, 2007, 04:09:02 am »
My dd often throws up from coughing when she has a cold, definitely sounds like something else going on.  Trust those instincts and go fight with your doctor.